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Tension Stories


The Boot

A driver hopes to dispose of the woman locked in his boot but a passing cop has other ideas...

He hadn't seen anyone since he passed that police car on the other side of the forest. Finally he thought it was safe to pull over, swerving onto the verge and killing the engine. The countryside seemed so quiet compared to the blasting noise of the stereo but he'd needed it loud to help drown out the hammering from the boot. Glancing back down the road, he spotted lights in the distance. Typical, the cop was already catc...


I walked down the steps, feeling like an intruder. The sudden silence rang in my ears and intensified the tension surrounding me. I heard my 'father's' voice, "This is my oldest daughter, Brook. As you can see, she is beyond the description I gave you." "The description would be considered an insult compared to her," the man next to him gruffly approved. I recognized him as the head of the blood hound family. So my own be...


Two people come to the end of their lives, but can they find a new one?

They turned and looked at each other and both knew they were thinking the same thing. She put out her hand for him to take it into his. Then, together, they stepped off the ledge. He’d seen people like it before. On a seat in the street or a shopping centre, at a beach, on a train and at lookouts like the one he was at now, it doesn’t matter, he knew who they were. People so disconnected from society by grief, drugs, or m...