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Tamerlane Stories


From the Annals of Besh, Part IV

A new archivest is allowed to follow a lead that she hopes will help a friend.

[[ Karla left early for the library the next morning as she wants to get this done. First though she orders a bouquet of yellow flowers that will be left at the hotel desk along with a note to Skoal telling him when he should pick her up. The rest of the morning she’ll skip over many years and will only copy the very last chapter in Besh’s book that will be translated to this.]] Chapter 24. 1417. AD. Closing Memories. An...

From The Annals of Besh, Part III

A new archivest is allowed to follow a lead that she hopes will help a friend.

[[Karla is back in the secure room of Szechenyi Library having again signed out The Annals of Besh. It would be nice if she could just photo copy the book, but rules are rules, so she goes about copying the pages she wants on her note pad, knowing the last section she wants from the book is going to have to wait till tomorrow because lunch lasted so long, but at least she has this before the library closes for the evening...

From The Annals of Besh, Part II

A new archivest is allowed to follow a lead that she hopes will help a friend.

[[ The next dayproceeds much like the last. Karla is picked up at her room and taken to the Library and dropped off. She signs out the same book and then spends the morning copying it verbatim, then meets her escort for a long lunch where they do a fast translation.]] Chapter 4. Escape and News of Isfahan's Fall (1387 AD). It has been past a month since my last writing as the moon is again but a sliver, just as it was whe...

From The Annals of Besh, Part I

A new archivest is allowed to follow a lead that she hopes will help a friend.

[[ Karla picks up her elder escort in the common area of the National Szechenyi Library in Budapest after having spent the day upstairs carousing a very old obscure book missing its beginning. She’s copied verbatim the first part of the book, and will return the next day for more. Tonight she’ll sit in her hotel room with her escort and he’ll help her translate the older Vulgar Latin that she’s not all that familiar with...