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Taking_a_chance Stories


Love. Is it worth the risk? When you open up your heart to someone, Let them experience what’s in your heart And maybe, just maybe fall in love? Is it worth the risk? Even though memories of past hurts linger And warns you not to let your guard down For the fear of a broken heart once again. Is it worth the risk? Falling in love is an emotional and conscious decision. You chose to allow an individual into your heart Even...

The Ordinary Girl

Who knows what gifts are hidden beneath an ordinary appearance?

To everyone in the room, she seemed like just a normal girl wearing Vans, blue jeans, and a red hoodie because that’s how she was defined; from home, through school to college. Yet deep within prowled a raging poet, a strutting rock star, a blazing meteor emanating the brilliance of a thousand dazzling suns. When, all alone, she braved that open mic night, one of the milling cool crowd casually asked, “Would you like a dr...