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Stoner Stories


Colorado Calls, Jersey Rejoices

Every story has two sides...

Note: This compilation occurred to me more than a year ago. In fact, the reason I logged on to Facebook on March 14, 2017, was to reach out to Alan and propose that we combine our efforts, merging his Colorado Calling and my Jersey Rejoicing into one poem. Instead, I learned that morning of Alan's passing a few days earlier. It threw me for a loop, and the idea got pushed to the back of my mind. But it was always there, t...

Jersey Rejoicing

Don't let smoke get in your eyes...

This humorous riposte to "Colorado Calling" by Alan Jankowski (Dirty Martini) not only employs the same rhyme scheme, but in fact rhymes perfectly with the original while telling the opposite point of view. At last he's gone, hip hip hooray!Let him go mooch off the cannabis cadre.No doubt he'll return before too long—(Given the bum's rush, the urge will be strong.) For too many years I put up with that snake,His easygoing...