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Scent Stories


Fresh as a Daisy

Childhood memory

My favorite flower has always been a sweet little summer daisy. It has been all my life ever since my mom would buy those pretty little artificial-scented daisy air fresheners with the yellow and white daisy on the plastic or paper packaging. If you’re around my age you know the ones I’m talking about. Everyone used a daisy air freshener back in the 60s and 70s they made the toilet bowl smell so good every time you flushe...


In The Presence of Angels

As real as it gets...

How do I begin this memoir without sounding mentally unfit? It's probably best to simply tell you about it and you can be the judge of my competency. I spent the early part of my career repairing medical equipment in hospitals and clinics around the United States. Primarily in Ultrasound Departments but also Nuclear Medicine and X-Ray Departments. I spent my early career in a rush. I was flying approximately a hundred tho...

Whispered notes upon your shirtSpeaking of my touch Murmurs linger on the sheetsReminders of our lust Our passions of the night beforeTrace my name in air Your lips again pressed to my neckSo warm beneath my hair Each hint of scent a mentionBringing me to mind My presence in my absenceAn aura left behind Soft, yet with such powerYou feel me in your arms Telling you I love youEven when I’ve gone With you so completelySilen...