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Rabbits Stories


Henry And The Rascally Rabbits

In which Girl meets another of Bear’s friends. At least, she thinks he's a friend…

Bear came rumbling into the great room of the cabin, muttering to himself. He threw himself down on the rag rug in the center of the room, gave a huge sigh, and closed his eyes. Girl, who was making herself some lunch, said, “Is everything okay, Bear?” Bear ignored her. She walked gingerly over to him and stood nearby. “Bear?” “WHAT?” he shouted. Girl jumped back. This was most un-Bear-like behavior. “I’m sorry, I didn’t...

The Tumultuous Tale of a Tormented Terrier

This is a more or less true account of what happened that day.

The Tumultuous Tale of the Tormented Terrier Well, let me tell you, it was like this. Once upon a time, our humble hovel was being run by the daughter-unit’s pet, a small, cute, cuddly and constantly yapping Yorkshire Terrier that answered to the name, Puh-Pet, but only if she happened to be in the mood. She loved nothing better than people-food treats and patroling the backyard. Since it was unfenced she had to be hitche...

Gitter Girl

Love My Glitter Girl

Glitter girl, you came into my life at just the perfect timeYou make me laugh, forget my problems and show me the dayI know you're popular around these parts, but what we have is mineWeird exploring, picture choices, your are the sunshine to my rayMessages sent and received, each a delight, a puzzle, exploring your brainWhat goes on in there? You've given me just a small glimpse and a tasteGlitter follows, you leave a tra...