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Merman Stories


Chapter 12Araiso turned to look at Kasei quickly. Kasei smiled a bit, standing up. “Don’t get too cold in there,” Kasei said as he waved and walked out of the bathroom.“Kasei!” Araiso called, but Kasei made no turn back. “Kasei!” Araiso shouted louder. He waited a second for Kasei to come back, and when he didn’t Araiso just slumped back into the water with a frown.After a bit, Araiso went into the living room to see Kase...

Chapter 10After laying there for a while, Araiso got up and left to the kitchen. He helped himself to a cup of water, then stared in at the half filled glass. With a sigh, he turned the cup over and poured out the water.“Going back on your kind.” Came a soothing man’s voice through the room.Araiso looked up, and then around to see no one.“That’s not like you.” The voice said.Araiso turned around, and began to search the h...

Chapter 8Amused by this, Araiso watched the other sink and sink. He chuckled, “I wonder if I should take that meaning that I’m a good kisser?”Just then the door opened and in walked a young blond dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. “Yo! Kasei, you in here?”Kasei quickly swam up as a panicked Araiso swam down to the bottom of the pool. “Yeah, what’s up, Daaku?”“You suddenly ask to borrow my pop’s pool then don’t even ask me...

Chapter 6Araiso was quiet, thinking for a moment in the bathwater. Kasei had already backed up to be leaning against the bathroom door.“Anyway you look at it, isn’t this like keeping a hostage?”“Hostage?” Kasei looked over to the other. “You’re not a hostage if you’re staying by your will.”“But I’m not!”“You can go back any time.” Kasei said with an unbelievably straight face. “Just cause I have your mirror doesn’t mean y...

Chapter 4After a bit, Kasei got up and with a new cigarette in his mouth headed back to the den. Araiso followed after quickly.Kasei spent a while flipping through some books, while Araiso just sat next to him with the blanket wrapped around him.“Waiting for me to show you the mirror?” Kasei asked with a chuckle, looking to the other. All he got was a pout. “Why do you want my mirror so bad?”Araiso looked around, trying t...

Chapter 2 Kasei just went to the study down the hall and picked up a book on oceanography to research. He pulled out the mirror and looked through the book for references about merfolk. He’d been looking for a while and found nothing that seemed plausible. Giving up after a few hours, he looked into the mirror. Like mist clearing, the mirror showed a young man with sleek features, vanilla sweet skin, ocean blue eyes and h...

Kaitei Niou 1

A young man who gave up swimming has met a merman.

~Ten Years Ago~ A young boy and his family were taking a break at the beach during their summer holiday. Even though it was the morning, the sun made the sand very hot, so its grit would burn your feet. The kind mother, with her long brown hair, was watching the two little girls as they played in the shallows. Farther off at the rocks was the tall father, his black hair wet from water-fighting with his two sons. The fathe...