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London Stories


Peace For Our Time, Chapter Two

“Don't send us away, Mum, Dad.”

Chapter 2 “You know what?” Jack said to no one in particular. “These last eight months have been really busy.” Little Albert and Georgie took no notice but continued to bicker over some insignificant disagreement. “Is it really?” he continued, the sarcasm was blatant. Cissy looked up from her sewing. “Oh, Sorry, Love, what were you saying?” Jack smiled. “Nothing much. Just that we have been so busy lately. You know, at wo...

The Monster Within (Part 1)

How does one live with unquenchable thirst?

The early 1800s... This time, I settled in Paris, adopting the French derivative of my name — Vincent. With its dense population, narrow streets, and dark crevices, Paris suited my needs perfectly, allowing one such as myself a myriad of places to lurk during these unsettled times. I had grown bored of occupying my time with philosophy and the arts of the Renaissance centuries before. And being what I was, proper affectio...

The Night

There is something utterly mesmerising about the River Thames at night.

The water flowed swiftly beneath my feet as I looked down from the parapet. There is something utterly mesmerising about the River Thames at night. The lights of the city reflected in the fast-flowing water have a beauty all of their own. Even on a wet night such as this. No, especially on such a wet night. The reflections are brighter, more widespread, somehow. When darkness falls, the city comes alive. Standing in the c...

From the Future

When Kara opened her eyes, it was dark, she was on a deserted road, and it was raining, great!

From the Future This is a story about the adventures of Kara Sandborn. She was born in the 24th century, in a world very different from our times. Kara was a what we would call pretty much a genius by our standards. She had a photographic memory, and by the age of 21 had three degrees under her belt. But so far didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. Her parents were tired of her hanging around the estate, and we...

Flight to London

I look out of the plane window and see famous land marks

Squashed like a sardine in a tin, tension mounting a women nagging  babies crying Once glamorous, now routine, air hostesses sweating in their square jackets. mechanically miming safety code; eyes fixed on sights unseen. Elbows close to our bodies tense and waiting; I pray that we will not crash in the Irish Sea floating on a raft is not right for me. New earplugs squeezing my pressured ears. Plane vibrating; seat belt ti...

The day the leaves fell

Person who feels lonely and has no one, goes on a walk of contemplation

It was a beautiful autumn morning in London. I woke up to the birds chirping outside my window. I yawned and slowly got out of my bed. I looked at my bedside table and found my phone. I looked at the time, it was just 8 o'clock. It was my day off. I went towards the window and pushed it open. I saw outside and loved the view. The sun had come out and was shining on the street, bouncing sun rays off the rooftops. I could s...