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Lab Stories


Davy, Who Couldn't Finish Anything

A unique boy and his best friend try to answer the big question

And he was in the principal’s office. Strange offices principals had there – strikingly orange furniture with mostly sky blue accents. Even the carpet. As if the interior designer fashioned Gulf Livery into an architectural style, turned up the Mid Century to eleven. “How did you become a pri-” Davy trailed off, in his abbreviated language. Really, the worst part about his affliction was that the guillotine always cut off...

That Orange Feeling

"...I feel fine..."

Weinland Research Institute; Level 4, Lab Center 6 “‘Specimen Delta-Alpha 8102.60.9’, ” Magnusson read aloud from the container label. He drew a sample from it and applied it to a glass disc. “Specimen Delta-Alpha...” Samuels repeated, pausing to yawn, “...  8102.60.9.” He took the glass and placed it under the microscope. A sigh wheezed from his lungs before he blinked through his drowsiness and peered into the eyepiece....