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Infidelity Stories


Balance Sheets

Martin tries to unravel what he stumbled in on

“I can explain,” he pleaded, though it came out more like, “I cah eshlaih,” with his mouth stretched around the barrel of my shotgun. I raised my eyebrows, dark rage bubbling inside. “Explain?!” I spat. “Oh, this ought to be good. Let me guess, you came r...

She doesn’t know how to save me, And I am so afraid, That my delusional iniquity, Has wages that can’t be paid.   The wages of sin are death I’m told, But I fear that I won’t die, For my sin as I grow old, Is wrapping my truth around a lie.   I said that...


Things are not always as they appear

    Lifting the receiver she dials, waiting as each ring seems to take an eternity, then he answers. "He doesn't suspect a thing. I promise." "But he seems to look at me like he knows. I keep waiting for him to say something." "Don't lose control, he has...

Shy away from a temple this morning,I should have known better than to stay,to always breathe in someone else,resting against temperatures made up by another's skin.So I'll take this cure,dream you up in order to cool these fevers down,the mark's already...