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Growing Stories


My special tiny oneDoctors helped you growLooking at you made me smileYour growth was a bit slowTaken to intensive careYou slept in an incubatorThere were many prayersLots of good indicatorsMany months at the hospitalLots of medical proceduresSo precious and very littleA tiny fighter who was eagerYou were sent from up aboveWe love you each dayYour life will be filled with loveWe continue to prayNow you're regular sizeWe t...

Angel Face

Written for and dedicated in loving memory to my beautiful Katy 💖

Innocent one,come take my hand,as we exploreGod's wonderland; Trust in mefor each me day;We'll learn new lessonsalong the way; God's gift to me,I promise you, all the lovea child is due; Grow with me,spread your wings; Learn of love and lifeand special things; Learn all you canmy precious one,for it won't be longtill you will run; Pain-free intoGod's sweet embrace,My only child; My Angel Face.    

When I was young I thought I knewall the answers to get me throughall the troubles that came along,but now I see how very wrongthat thinking was and now I knoweach trial was meant to help me growanother branch upon life's treeto make me the person I'm meant to be. 

The Great Big Flower

The flower who grows a family

Once upon a time, there was a great big flower, she had survived terrible droughts and floods. But now, wanted to plant her own seeds in the planting season. She planted her first seed. She kept it close so she could shade it and shelter it as it grew. The seed grew to be a beautiful flower. She was dainty and very close with the great big flower. The dainty flower became a great mother flower herself, spreading her seeds...

She heard the knock on the door. strange it did not sound like some one wanting in she thought as she went and opened the door. When she did open it. He fell into her arms. It was all she could do to hold him up and help get him to the chair. What in the world was the matter with him. He did not drink or she didn't think he did. She could not smell anything that smelled strange. She tried to talk to him and found he was v...

Rusty, the Screen Door it Slams

Navigating the storms of becoming an adult at 12 is never easy.

Rusty, the screen door it slams. “Ya’ll be careful out there, please.” Momma yells. Rusty, the screen door it slams as Momma ushers us outside. “Little pitchers.” Momma says to Daddy. Rusty, the screen door it slams as Daddy sends us outside. “Daddy doesn't feel well.” Rusty, the screen door it slams as Sissy runs off. “I don’t care what you think, I love him.” She yells, loud enough for the world to hear. Rusty, the scre...

Always remember

Written for my mom

Something stops me.There is something I need to tell you,But how can I even start to say,the many many things that cross my mindAs I think about all that we have been through. I guess to begin - is to look at you.From the first moment that we metYou loved me and gave me all of youThis beautiful woman,willing to bet it all on me. There has always been a steady murmur,It emits from you like a calming beatIt has engulfed my...

From Sisyphus: School

Sisyphus speaking to the stars about his plight remembers his teacher

Our teacher handed us some seedsand said,“Go plant these in your yardand water them,then let your questions grow with every leaf.He hardly spoke except to askwhat’s on our minds,and when we didn’t say a word,he’d shake his head and say,“Well, that’s too bad,we’ve nothing to discuss,”and then he’d sit down on a rockand look up at the skyor at the dirt, and think.One day we asked himwhy he wouldn’t teachand he replied,“I am...

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The New Jane

New look, new possibilities

Jane, slender short andplain enough, in a teal room, bay window,daybed, cream primrose cottonblanket, antiqued mirror, Monetprint on the wall (morning light, pale autumn, the City), hardbound Pelican Shakespeare on the oakchair, open to a page ofCymbelineUntil her aunt (bymarriage) arrived, back from Europe, bearing among her richspoils to be distributed, withunstinting worldly hand, aPurple patent leather bomber jacketFo...