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Fruit Stories


Bad Fruit

You know you want it . . .

Sweet taste of summer!Juicy fruitBeckons from the bins The siren song of “I’m in season!And low-cal!I’m what you want!You can’t NOT win!” Velvet curve of mounded peachThe touch gives me a rushYet I knowWhen I get homeIt’s sure to taste like mush And pre-sliced mangoGlistening(Minus hairy pit!)Golden spears of pure delightJust begging to be bit But even as I buy some upI have a nagging hunchThat when I go to take my biteI...

To Kill a Fruit Fly

An assassin bug gives a fruit fly the day of his life.

Just that morning, the assassin bug had thoughts about retiring. Not that he wasn’t doing great; he was at the top of his game. But he had this nagging feeling that he was beginning, just beginning, to lose his edge. And an assassin bug with no edge is in the wrong business. He hadn’t always worked the trade. Not too long ago he was flipping maggots in some greasy log, barely getting by. Then one night, after a long shift...