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France Stories


It's just a chance we live; we die in France.It could be anywhere that love may thriveBut this is where we did our lover's dance.Our lustful joys will flourish, still, survive,A lover's touch caresses, filled with fun,And shares a fervor vibrant, so alive.In light still bright, we see our poem's done,And share a pledge that we will make tonight,True promise these two lovers are still one,The gift is ours to share; this is...

Snatch A Twin - Chapter Two

D'amieeh unexpectedly ran into someone she wasn't ready for.

After a day and a half of unboxing, with a little help from her sister Tylay, D'amieeh forgot all about packing for her trip to Paris. At 3:45 am, Dami phone rings, playing Drake - Worst Behavior."What the?" D'amieeh moaned as she rolled over to grab her cell off the night table. Trying to focus to see who was calling, she gave up and just answered. "Who the hell is this?" she groaned "Cousin! Etes-vous pret a venir?" Dam...

"Mademoiselle, I cannot begin to express my pleasure at meeting you," he said softly. He was not lying. For three - nay, four - years he had waited to meet the fair lady who graced the small café down the street from his house. She came in, all slender features and soft angles, and ordered the same cup of coffee and pastry every day. He could have recited her order by heart, had he wished. Somehow, he never worked up the...