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Fantasy. Stories


Guardian of the Light

He had to complete his quest, the world depended on it

He pulled his cloak over his head and brushed away a few errant flakes of snow from his shoulders. He breathed out a long breath into his cold, rough hands, this warmed them with incredible speed. He stepped out from the Coaching Inn into the day. His footfalls were cushioned by the blanket of fresh snow. His long staff arced its way through the air as he walked, and made a small dent in the snow close to his right footpr...

Field of wildflowers

peaceful place a special friend made for me.

A dream so real, my eyes shed tears A field of wildflowers in hues of sapphires and sky blues Such a glorious riot of color The smell of heaven floating in the atmosphere Sun shining down in a soft vermilion haze The breeze brushed my skin A gentle breath A soft caress I stood transfixed looking for him A light touch Warm hand in mine He was there His finger tips brushed the tears from my cheeks A moment of peace A measur...