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Enigmatic Stories


Close Your Eyes and See

Suspend your skepticism...

Have you found them? Don’t worry, most people can’t on the first try.  They’re there, all right, but only reveal themselves to those who are ready to believe, to accept, to embrace.  Close your eyes and open your mind. Clear away the prejudices, fears and preconceptions. Suspend your skepticism. Relax and let all your senses — even those you don’t fully perceive or comprehend, and may not even believe in — do their jobs....

the Jet-Set

A different aspect of something by another name

The Jet-SetNestled in the valley, in the Bay of the Beacon. Hidden in vaults where visuals display. Blackened bountiful tear-drops suspended, for hungry eyes an optic delight. Oh vision. Oh wonder, dark-light in our lives, seeking, craving, wanting and purchased.Ex-miners became, the new artisans of beauty, fashioned and carved the tillings away.A monkey-puzzle tree washed up on our shorelines, sinking and compressing pro...