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You have lost your cyber lover

Feelings of how you feel after this loss

Cyber relationships can come to a halt, They will stop abruptly, it's not really your fault.Real life situations may come up in their lives,And you're not part of that, how will you survive.These relationships can be a bit too intense,You have to be smart and not lose common sense.Even though you have never actually met,Losing them would make you rather upset.You've spent lots of time with them,But reality sets in and now...

Sick of it All

Inspired by Sick - Evanescence, from character POVs

"Hold on little girl, the end is soon to come... Sick of it all! Sick of it all! They don't understand how sick we are! Sick we are! Of this bottomless pit of lies, behind closed eyes..." -Evanescence, Sick.Philena: You step over me, You shove past me, Like I'm a ball- to be picked up and thrown- Or a door- to be pushed out of your way. I don't deserve this abuse. Raven: These nightmares, That face, The hands that grab me...