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Desolation Stories


Lost and alone, abandoned to my fate,I wander in the barren wildernessDespised and forsaken, longing for death.The cold and bitter ashes of remorseFill my mouth with gall, and blister my tongue,And utter self-loathing darkens my mind.Broken on the wheel of my arrogance,I bend my head to this desolation.No act of abject mortificationCan cleanse my soul of my iniquities,And condemned to eternal suffering,I must live the res...

Time Traveler

Traveling, into the dim reaches of reality.

Venture back into the past I do.Times long ago, I can't undo. Back in time when I was a kid.Eons have past, heaven forbid. Places that I have visited before.Spaces not wanting to re-explore. Bruises, scars, some are painful.Matter of fact, many be baneful. Asking myself from time to time.How can I ever undo the crime? Guilty feeling passed onto me,For things I never asked to be. Stuff I never would have chosen.Deeds that...

Fragments of my life are etched upon my face; I've managed perverse tragedy with false dignity and grace;  Time proceeds incessantly, seasoned anguish lurks inside; Exuding the facade of strength though I sincerely want to hide;  Floods of tears drench my cheeks, desolation annihilates my heart; Fate reckons with my sanity as my soul breaks apart.

Queen Of Emptiness

She does exist...

Squatting in the shadows Bloated and seething With bile and ancient hate She sits as cold as stone Weaving webs of malice From strands of her misery Hidden fangs dripping despair She waits patient as Death While twisted minions held in thrall Spun about with spells of glamour Entice the next unwary soul With whisperings and promises Smiles sweet as poison Promise pleasures without end As slow and softly falls the web Illu...

This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.The pre-dawn light is green-grey and dull,The air slumbers,Thick and heavy.Dampness and mulchLayer the heart of the earth's foundations.In the mirror she seesHerself.Darkness with a sickly tinge;"Better be hid in the shadows, dear,"Her heart tells her in anguish.The sun is coming,And what shall she see?The years of torment,Punis...

It hurts Agony, Anguish, Disappointment, Devastation, Frustration, Humiliation, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Pain, Destruction, Only that you left in my soul, My soul is broken into a thousand pieces. Love, Goodness, Compassion, Hope, Passion, Happiness, Life, Sensitivity, Sanity, That erased off the face of my heart. My heart is dead in life, by your betrayal, And it hurts.