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Definition Stories



oceanic definition

RELATIONSHIP: Standing between the swelling ocean And the blazing flame. Tell me, which path should I take. DESIRE: Crawling slowly, Like a caterpillar crawls, Towards the sky. If someday I also would experience The unbelievable metamorphosis like her. EXPECTATION: He is coming. Fragile beauty snatches my breath. Stretches my arms, eyes closed. Waiting... Crashing wave falls asleep upon the shore. He is nowhere. CONJUGALI...

Elegy on a Night Party

Beautiful absurdity!

Elegy on a Night Party The paradigmatic shift in the conceptual map of my liberal and revolutionary platforms of radicalism, existentialism and humanism make things aesthetically absurd and practically effective. Living in the present and progressive tenses of time and space I tend to contradict my ‘Other’ (purely theoretical), who was conceived as a result of Theory and Philosophical classes. Receding past bequeaths an u...