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Curiosity Stories


And I Left

I couldn't bring myself to ask.

The bar was too noisy and people stood shoulder to shoulder. They were all vying for a place at the bar. Music filled the air and it mingled with the laughter and drunken ramblings of its patrons.  I first spotted him as he entered the bar. His black hair was ruffled and his shoulders were hunkered in. The collar of his shabby, oversized peacoat was pulled up so high his face was barely visible. His frame was small, which...

Once there was a little girl. This particular little girl was always curious. She was brimming with questions that spilled over in a constant babble of queries.  But with each answer she was provided, her curiosity grew. When she was small, her mother seemed to have all the answers. And as endless as the little girl's curiosity was so too was her mother's patience. Whenever she asked her mother a question, her mother woul...

The uproar of emotions attracted me, so concerned were they as their tearsflooded their faces, women and men alike. It attracted my curious eye. Slowly I made my way through the emotional crowd to gaze upon the face of who was so proud. Gently he laid in the white velvet box peacefully asleep, draped in the finest garments.I gazed into his cold shut casket only to see a face similar to me.  But how could it be. Starstruck...

Through a Child's Eyes

This was our trip through The Badlands.

The sun rose behind us, as I drove my motor home out of the campground in St. Mary's, Montana. We headed west, our destination Badlands National Park in North Dakota. This was the end of the first week of a five-week trip driving around America. The girls sat at the table playing games and watched, as the miles flew by. They giggled and yelled, when they saw something they liked. We drove I-90 from Montana into North Dako...

Curious Minds

When making lemonade, don't forget to add some sugar.

When one is given lemons, as a friend recently said, make lemonade. Thank you for the reminder Yas. My problem is, I sometimes forget to add sugar. Must be an old man thing, sheepish grin. I do seem to get distracted more easily, the older I get.When one looks up the meaning of curiosity, we find this definition: An eagerness to know about something or to get information about an interesting and unusual object, person, or...

I want to be little again.Back when everything was wondrousand surely magical.All of the magic dissipatesas we age, as we gain knowledge, as our wisdom grows.No more do we wonder,we know.We know why the sky is blue.We know why the grass is green.And we know why grass yellowsand diesin the winter.Science tells us.In a way,that is wondrous,that is magical.But it allows for no further ponderingbecause we know.Although, there...

Where Did I Come From

The reason I am an agnostic.

Thinking of teachings that were presented to me in my youth, I have often wondered if Adam and Eve really did exist and if they did eat from the tree of knowledge? Were they father and mother of all mankind? Knowledge, it is said, is power, why would anyone not want to gain knowledge? Really has anything changed in our society? Adam and Eve were forbidden to partake of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, thus they were...