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Colour Stories


The Pool

Reflections of a middle aged man sitting beside a pool on an autumn day

It was a day just like today I remember, Unseasonably mild for late in October; The trees were still apparelled in splendid colours, The shades of autumn, oranges and reds, rich browns, And brilliant gold, a last defiant display, Before winter took away their summer glory, To leave them naked, stark against the horizon, Or shrouded mysteriously in foggy gloom; Only the sparkle of hoar frost on their branches Or the first...

The Sound Of Winter

There is an escape from winter, from the cold loneliness

The coldness stretches out, touching all cornersBare trees, bare everythingThe air is crisp and chilly, seeping in through the gapsYou disappear in the silenceWinter’s arms outstretched around you, trying to drag you inThe bleakness gripping you with icy fingertipsThe days are short and the nights are longThe sky is dark. BlackEndlessAchingLonely days and lonely nightsEverything is gray and desolateAloneBut then you remem...


Social perspective on colour

See me, feel me, fear me. Here, there, everywhere. Spectrum of perception radiates the environment.I am melanin, skin, I am prejudice. Reflection of judgement. Red is dead, black is slack. White is not right. Brown not around. Yellow everyone’s transgressor.Stop! Go, caution. Signals for the human traffic.I fashion the body but not the soul. Be blind to me or become shallow.Basic in natureCulturally, geographically painte...