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Cats Stories


My Morning

The most peaceful time of day.

The quiet of a morningso still and silent like cat paws, treading across the floors of my mind. It’s a beautiful day as the sun crest above the horizon. Coffee brewing it smells like heaven. Chirps fill the fresh, cool air as birds awaken to the new day. Dew covers the ground like a favorite blanket on a cold winter night comforting you with its weight. Higher and higher the sun continues rising. Brightening the world aro...

At Any Cost

Remembering my little kitten...

Pit pat pit pat pitter patter pit pat Little paws across the floor, Those little mews I don't hear anymore, Picked you up with just one hand, You were so tiny, five inches from the ground you did stand. Him back then is now his head, The dog he chases now used to scare him til he fled, We put him on a leash so he wouldn't get lost, And now he must be in my lap at any cost.

What Lady Caught

What have you got there, Lady?

Lady was not a very clever cat. She was getting a little old, she had lost a few teeth and she dribbled a bit. She often forgot things like what she was doing or where she was going. She lived with another cat called Holly in a house with a family of people. Holly was strong and athletic. She liked to hunt animals in the garden and bring them home, even full grown rabbits sometimes, which she had to drag through her cat f...

I giggled, staring across the water, the tips of mybrilliantly painted orange toes staring back at me, wiggling like little piggies. “Hi!” I waved at them, sliding further in to the almost too hot water with a sigh, my gaze moving up the eggshell tile to the plastered ceiling, willing myself to relax with only a cursory check to make sure that I was alone. Outside, a cat cried, wondering why, oh why was the door closed an...

Cat's Got A Tongue

A husband does battle with his wife's cat for head of the household.

Before the church would marry us, it required that we attend a “marriage compatibility” class. I began my unsuccessful attempt to promote elopement as the best way to achieve our mutual goal upon learning this. My soon-to-be wife was quite insistent, however, that she be married in the church she grew up in, and so I agreed to take the class in order to make her happy. And, if she’s happy, I’m happy (theoretically). Now,...

Hunters: Chapter Two

The Hunters are closing in, and Shimmer feels that it is his duty to protect Whisper...

HuntersChapter Two: The GrievingBy Nathan MullinsShimmer was afraid. He had lost his adoptive mum, the one person who cared for him who was human, never mind what Whisper thought, this wasn't about her. This was about Shimmer's chances of survival. Already, the one asset whom he truly cherished had now perished. He was on his own from this day forward.Whisper greeted him in the tower block, and together, they sat down on...