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Calving Stories


BEEP . . . BEEP . . . BEEP!!! “Ugh . . . It’s your turn. I just went.” Missy said as she pushed her husband, Leonard, out of bed. His body was hot. He groaned but got up. She snuggled down into the warm spot he left behind. Leonard went to the porch and put on a tan pair of Carhearts and went out to the big green Ford. His dark eyes were bleary, it didn’t seem like his turn. His breath and body heat fogged the windows in...

Calving Time

Ed called, said we have probably twins coming!

The picture above is a few years old, but they are twins! We weren't supposed to start calving until January 8th, 2013, but as usual on the farm you never can tell; if there are twins involved then they are often early arrivals. It was around 1:00 pm when Ed called me saying a cow was calving and it was probably twins since she had twins last year, and she was early again. I got the pail and filled it with hot soapy water...