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Beginnings Stories



For my inamorato for reigniting the flame within

It is hard to remember my life before you Back to those days that were tough to get through Claiming nothing was missing was clearly untrue I now see I was blinded by a distressed point of view When we collided, I was shocked to realize Feelings I missed now took me by surprise Promised love unable to get past all the lies Hope now appeared mysteriously before my teared eyes Life lacked meaning until you resurrected me Lo...

Room 237

Nell never wanted to visit the hospital again.

If there was one thing that Nell hated more than anything, more than taxes, more than bridge tolls, more than wet socks and rain-sloshed shoes, morethan garbage skips on a hot day and lumped milk and vegans who can't go anywhere to eat without customising everything on the menu... more than spineless parents and people who talk through films and eat too loudly and Facebook, more than snobbery... if there was one thing, ab...

New Life By The Tracks.

A man starts to question why he moved into a horrible apartment but sees the good in the situation.

Why did I move here? What is that awful smell? The train tracks outside the window are loud as hell. How will this affect sleep? Why is the carpet damp? I just saw a tiny leak near that dusty old ceiling lamp. Where are those bloody keys? What is that annoying sound? It's next door with music so raucous it shakes the ground. Why does she look happy? Is my girlfriend that delusional? I don't think I have seen that amazing...