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Adam Stories


Beresheet: a Eulogy

The sons of Adam, like Moses Whose past was prologue, Saw the Promised Landing.

Beresheet: a Eulogy(Raanana, April 11, 2019) As it is written,Beresheet bara Elohim et ha'shamayim v'et ha'aretz,In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,And on the sixth day, God made mankind in His image,In His image He created them;Man and Woman He created them.On the seventh day, He rested,As it is written.On the eighth dayMan's progeny made a robot arrowAnd shot it in a wide arcThat flew through the sk...

Witness Well

We are Adam or Eve reborn in every generation ...

 "Witness Well" (c) Mike Stone Raanana, February 3, 2019   Nothing in nature is hidden from us; It has no secrets. It is we who close our eyes Or look away And think it magic or unknowable, Unwilling to give up the comfort of our ignorance. When we walk in a forest lush With trees standing and fallen Beheld within the play of sun and shade We must not be daunted That we know not the names of sycamore or oak, Crocuses or m...

Without EVE

Without Eve I would not exist.

The sin of humanity is sharedNot EveNot AdamBoth sinned.I do not need an apology from either than to prevent the recurrence of that sinGod made man with the sole intention to rule and governGod made Eve not to deceive but to collaborate and make life work betterMan had its command They fell short with the weakness of a woman who brought forth from the hip of which man was the emblem replica of God who carved them into his...

As Adam knocks on Boss' door, he goes over the events of the previous day.There wasn't anything to question about the actions of Chase Brickley. It was clear he needed much more than a stern talking-to from the school or his parents. He needed to realize that at his age of 18, he can- and will if Adam has anything to say about it- be tried for attempted rape and assault. Not to mention the very recent stabbing.Philena had...

"Every day is one more inch of a slow blade sinking in. Vision fading, suffocating inside my own skin... And I'm fighting the stranger in my eyes, and I know that only one of us will survive. If I can't save us, I've got to save myself. I can't stay here in this place... I'm slowly freaking out, I'm slowly freaking out and out and out again." - Skylar Grey, Slowly Freaking Out.Eight months after the trials to put Stepmons...

Philena: Mean It

Inspired by Losing Grip by Avril Lavigne

"Everything wasn't okay..." -Losing Grip by Avril LavigneI walked into the room and you walked out. I hugged you and you stiffened, I kissed you and your lips were frozen. It was like when you were on that one assignment for months and we couldn't be seen together, only worse because I know your assignment now is nothing like that. Why won't you hold me? Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you kiss me? I miss you! You wer...

Paradise Was Almost Always Lost

I wrote this for my English Literature Final for Milton's Paradise Lost

There once was a place of unimaginable beauty Where the trees blossomed all the time And the sun shined and the weather was calm And there was never any rain or thunder And they were all made from a God: A deity in which no one could ever see And this God saw that this beautiful land Was empty, and was barren, and so he created a man. And he named him “Adam”, for all of mankind. And he gave him animals to talk to, And del...