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Darkness Stories


Your voice long lost returned to me.I wondered if I could decode its content. Falling leaves whispered in darkness. Misty air wrote perfect pentameter couplets. I did recognize your voice, lost and found. Whispering leaves punctuated your pulmonary motion. Pentametric air cared your nimble bi-labial plosives. Your voice long lost returned to me. I wondered if you were there behind your voice.

I once found myself straddling the line between reality and fantasy. Where I walked the world in a half-dream state. Neither feeling alive nor departed. I was defunct, deadened, despondent. Days dragged on, nights were too short. I slept to remove myself from the world. Too many sounds too bright I longed for the sun to set. Where nights become my saviour for solitude I craved to get out of my skin. To find a new home. I...

Darkness or Light

Even turbulent swirling dark clouds carry images of joy

Even in the darkest sky there is light.Look hard not a quickened glance,light is there to see. Even turbulent swirling dark clouds carry images of joy, that display in time.Where nothing good seems be. The darkest night, shows the dimmest star giving hope, feeding warmer thoughts.Should we not shout with glee? The brightest day, casts shadows darkest,the sun has a darker side we can not see.Should we not shout with glee?...