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Betrayal Stories


She lay on the bed, eyes closed. Taking her vibe in hand, She would pleasure herself. He was so far away and she missed him. *** His face filled her mind as she began to stroke. The vibration felt good against her skin And she knew it would be swift. She'd abstained until she could be with him again. *** However, she simply could not wait any longer. As she made quick, firm little circles, She could hear his voice in her...

The Real Fake Friend

haven't written in a while, so that may be of poor quality

Once upon a time, I was there for you You adored me, I would be always listening to you, I could care for you, Because my problems were not serious, I was not stressed, I always tried to help you, Because I adored you, If not by money as I could not afford it, I tried in other ways, And you know it, I was the best then, Isn’t it what you used to say? But once my problems got more serious, I made a foolish mistake, I thoug...

Second Place

When did our flame burn out?

Can I ask you a question,From deep in my mind?Will you give me the answerOr is it just not time?For me to find outIf what we have is real?What I want to knowIs if we mutually feel,For I feel you move fartherAway every day,And I don’t think you hearWhat I try to say.I want back the old usThe two we once were,Why do I feel likeThere’s another ‘her?’Who’s replaced me in your life,Who’s stolen my space?Is she real, is she bet...

The deadliest blow

Death has many ways to beat our defences

I cling to speeding, spinning cones of leadThat pierce the air and armour, skin and bone;Once deep inside, I ditch my deathly rideAnd spread destruction, quell life's fragile wick.I cleave to sharpened shards of stainless steelThat separate the living from the dead.A scratch, a nick, a cut will let me inTo fester in the ragged bloodied flesh.I steal by roadsides, lakesides, seasides, waitingFor unwary or foolhardy soulsTo...

When Friends Betray Friends

And yet another poem...who would have guessed?

When friends betray friends,With words less than kind, It tears apart the friendship, And all the ties that bind. When friends betray friends, It hurts you to the core. All the trust and love, It all goes out the door. Like an ice cold sword, That tears through your heart, When friends betray friends, It will tear your soul apart. All the love and friendship, Built up from the ground, When friends betray friends, It all c...