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Panic Stories


Hide and Seek

Is one ever really alone?

Full moon shone from the night.Traces of shadows outlined bright. The landscape lit up as if daylight.Playing hide and seek such a delight. Darker reaches playing tricks on my eyes.Is something hidden, lurking in disguise? Searching silhouettes for life's existence.Maybe creatures hunting for subsistence. Nothing to be seen in this dimness.Am I alone in this partial darkness? Does nothing else in the night subsist?Only th...

09/09/2011That argument was big. Biggest argument they had ever had. It changed everything about them. Changed everything between them. She was sick of him trying to control her, like he knew what was best for her. His last 'command' pushed her over the edge and she erupted.She said those dreaded things, the almighty words that pushed him over the final edge. His arm swung round and his open palm connected with her left c...