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Boy's love Stories

boy's love

Chapter 2 Kasei just went to the study down the hall and picked up a book on oceanography to research. He pulled out the mirror and looked through the book for references about merfolk. He’d been looking for a while and found nothing that seemed plausible. Giving up after a few hours, he looked into the mirror. Like mist clearing, the mirror showed a young man with sleek features, vanilla sweet skin, ocean blue eyes and h...

Nearly There Nicely 4

Ch4 of the story.

While Will continued setting up, a little boy dressed in a nice khaki colored pair of shorts and a white blouse with a blue big ribbon tied around the collar, came over and grabbed onto Will's shirt-tail. Will looked down and smiled at him. The little boy had sky blue eyes and light blond hair with pink tips, hiding one of his eyes. “Hi, Alexander. Have you finished getting cleaned up for the party tonight?” Will set down...

Kaitei Niou 1

A young man who gave up swimming has met a merman.

~Ten Years Ago~ A young boy and his family were taking a break at the beach during their summer holiday. Even though it was the morning, the sun made the sand very hot, so its grit would burn your feet. The kind mother, with her long brown hair, was watching the two little girls as they played in the shallows. Farther off at the rocks was the tall father, his black hair wet from water-fighting with his two sons. The fathe...

Will headed down the hallway, turning in to the kitchen. He watched the chefs and cooks hurrying around to get the food prepared for the party. As he walked over to talk to one of the cooks, covered in powder and sauces, that cook smiled at him. “Hey, you sure decided to sleep in late. It's already almost one,” the cook smiled. “You must've been pretty tired.” Seeing this as an opportunity to find out just how long he had...

Chapter 2 Unconscious. Thoughts streamed through Will's mind. What happened after that? It's just a blank spot in my memory. Kind of... like... it was taken. But, that's silly. You can't just take someone's memory like that, right from them. Can you? If... you could... Does that mean someone took my... Faint words echoed in from reality disturbing Will's thoughts and muddling them up. “Will... Will... Will.” Now I'm think...

Nearly There Nicely

A young man was forgotten by his father, and suddenly is forced to learn the truth about the world.

Chapter 1 Once upon a time, in a tiny kingdom, there was a prince who had a best friend. In time, the prince became king, and when he did, he made his best friend the grand duke. This story is not about either of them. It's about the grand duke's son who was forgotten. The city is actually the royal city, of a pretty tiny country. No one pays it any mind though. It's not in any strategic points of interest on the landscap...