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Family Stories


Amra ('us' in Bengali)

She braved all that the universe had to offer her and won in the end.

Dear God,It’s been a while since I went out. My children are all happily married and remarried now and well settled. My elder born is in The States doing his research work in molecular biology…or did he say molecular sciences? That is where he met his wife also doing her research on the same subject. Simple boy he was, nose deep in his books, always knew he had to make something worthwhile of his life. We are not rich peo...

Atithi Devo Bhavah! (Guest is God in Sanskrit)

Going out with simple as that.

When people go back home there always are reasons, either they are successful and have a point to prove, or they have unsettled scores, or maybe there is nowhere to go...but the reason why I am going home today is entirely different. The reason is my dad. The man who is a modern day HE MAN to me. My mom passed away when I was seven and apart from a grieving husband she left behind a very vulnerable father of a seven year...

His Christmas Wish

Sometimes Christmas wishes really do come true...

The Christmas holiday season has always been a memorable time of year. Whether it is time spent with family, those special gifts from a loved one, or simply the smell of Grandma's cooking, every Christmas has always had something worthy of remembrance. The story of the Christmas holiday which I am about to relate holds a special fondness. It happened many years ago when I was still a single guy in my twenties. One of the...

Party Favors

Wasn't going to post this but need something a bit lighter after the last one...Happy Holidays...

Party favors do not a party make,Nor that fancy bakery cake,It's not the table set so fine,Nor that bottle of expensive wine,Not china set on polished wood,Or gourmet food that tastes so good. What matters is the people gathered there,Family and friends you know who care,With whom you can share a laugh and a smile,It's what truly makes life worthwhile,For with time spent with loved ones you can be sure,Of cherished memori...

The Birth Of Our Son

I guess you could call this a family poem...originally posted under 67Goat...

Of all the things you've given to me,As proof that the best things really are free,If I had to narrow it down to one,It would be the birth of our only son.Watching him smile I become elated,At the sight of the life we have created,Our unimaginable pride and joy,Disguised as a playful little boy.When I gaze into his eyes of blue,I cannot help but think of you,For that and his curly locks of hair,Are just two features you t...

Rob - The meaning behind family.

This is a story I wrote that is true and I had it published in my school magazine.

I woke up to the sound of music as I do every morning when I have school. It was March 23, 2007 and it was a Friday. Fridays were gods to me because it was the last day in a school week. I have the same thoughts every morning. “What day is it? Do I have to do anything today? What’s going on today?”Well to say sadly I got my answer to the last one as the phone rang. I can remember that day like it was yesterday. That phone...

The Album

Love before and beyond death...

The first time I ever asked my Gran what my mum was like, she smiled at me and lifted me into her lap. I was still small then, so I nestled comfortably against her ample belly, waiting excitedly as she drew out a battered, red, leather covered book seemingly from out of nowhere. Somehow, she always had it with her. Even now, much older and possessing the knowledge adulthood seems to bring to a person, I believe that there...