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The Second Vault

"The vault beyond the vault lay what's beyond priceless."

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Author's Notes

"This was from an idea posted on r/WritingPrompt. I decided to take a religious spin."

"We're not fucking this heist up, this time... dumbass." I glared at Jimmy.

"I'm not!"

"Then hurry the fuck up."

"Yeah, we need this!" Sirus cracked open the safe, using the bank manager.

Last time two of their crew had to sacrifice themselves after Jimmy ruined everything not paying attention to the guard, who called the cops. They had to take hostages, knocked them out, and switched clothes with them, while two good members took the fall.

"Load up boys," Faye cheered, "we gotta make this quick."

"Right, before Jimmy does something stupid," Sirus snapped.

Sirus quickly got through the deposit box locks, he and Jimmy emptied any of value, Faye and Jax collected money, something faint grabbed his attention, distracted him—another safe door.

"Aye... there's another door there. We could retire if we crack that one open."

"C'mon Jax, I don't think we can carry any more than what we got."

"Yeah, you right."

"We got it all," Jimmy started to fill his bag with cash.

That door kept bugging him, something pulled him to it.

"Look. I gotta see in that thing, I can't just leave it, something is demanding me." I grabbed the manager. "What's in there‽"

"N-nothing important, sir."

"A safe in a safe... git'cho ass over there and open it!"

"Yo Jax, we can't carry anymore."

"Sirus... if there's anything in that safe, in this safe, worth anything, we'll make room."

I put my gun to the manager's head. "Open it."

"It's not to be opened, there's nothing of monetary value inside it."

"But there's something inside it, everything has monetary value to somebody. What kinda lock is that? Fuckin open it!"

"We'll kill you and everybody in here out of spite," Faye said.

For the safety of others, the manager started working the lock. Revealed some strange key, and unlocked the vault. The building seemed to rumble, even though it didn't shake.

"Hey guys... what's with the sky, it's like turning red?" Jimmy looked towards the front of the bank.

"Who cares? As long as it ain't red and blue," Faye retorted.

"What's in here is not supposed to be released. Forgive me, God, I am a lesser being, and I couldn't risk the innocence." He pulled the door open.

"...god... pfft." I rolled my eyes. "This is pretty ornate. What's the writing all over the place?"

"The fuck," Sirus cried out.

"Where's the manager‽" I looked at his clothes on the ground.

"He just... disappeared," Jimmy explained.

"No he didn't, Jimmy, go find him, how'd he slip past like that?"

"He didn't. All I did was blink and he was gone, he didn't run past us, I'd have shot him," Sirus added.

"Fuck... aieght, let's be quick." I stepped in. "Something calls for me."

"I feel it," Faye agreed.

The short passage opened more of the room; walls of gold and pearl, floor of obsidian, nothing inside but a chair, a seemingly dark skinned woman with green hair, nude, head held down.

"Oh... look at the rack on her," Jimmy awed.

"Shut up, Jimmy," I said.

Faye smacked the back of his head.

"She does look nice though," I agreed.

"You're not supposed to be here, but it seemed to be destiny."

"Destiny, huh? Hopefully destiny gets us outta here Scott free," Sirus quipped.

"I feel a connection to this woman, why's it so bright with no lights or windows," Faye asked.

"Same, like I need her," I added.

"It is you I need, my children. To take back this world... make things right."

"Children..." Jimmy wondered.

"One has usurped our power and upset the balance. Please free me, my children; Jax and Faye."

They looked at each other.

"Free her, or not, we're running out of time," Sirus said.

"He is right. The foul-stenched ones speak the truth."

"I showered today!"

"Not what I mean by stench. You and the other one praise the forsaken one. Now please Jax... Faye..."

"How do you know our names... why do you, and not theirs?"

"I am your Mother. You are my children. They were born under him, they are lost children, who forgot me, life times ago, so I do not know them. But I would like to."

"Uhh, yeah, that makes sense," I said.

"We still don't know who you are."

"I am your Mother, Faye. Shackled, chained, restrained. You even bear my insignia on your chest."

"Gaia," they said together, rushed to her.

"I told you, children." Tears fall from her eyes.

"I can't... Gaia... how's this even possible‽ Faye... is this..."

"It has to be! Who put you here in a bank‽"

"I must be released to find my man. To free the others. Yasuwallah put me here, the one who's stench those two carry. His defectors will be here soon."


"Allah...," I finished.

"You mean God? God did this, no, he's a merciful god," Sirus said.

"One who shall have no other god before him, and created hell for anybody foolish enough to fuck around and find out," I said.

"That's right. He stole what you call hell, from Hades. Imprisoned me and my children, my husband... I don't know if he stole, or merely copied Odin’s Valkyries, there's a lot of hearsay." She looked up, eyes glowed white. "Please free me."

"Of course we will," Faye cried.

"But how? These chains, no locks, or anything."

"I still can't believe Yahweh did this, I mean you told us of the crusades and all that." Jimmy dropped to his knees.

"The Dark Ages were called the Dark Ages for a reason; rampant Christianity." I pulled my gun out.

"What are you doing?" Faye asked.

"Freeing her. If I can empower this gun."

She unholstered hers, they aimed at the chains, muttered spells. A loud horn echoed through the building.

"Is th-that an alarm," Sirus asked.

"Gabriel’s horn," Gaia corrected.

The light started to flicker, two shots rung and busted the chains that held her down. Jax and Faye opened their eyes.

"Blessed be, children," she stood.

The chains and shackles turned to ash and fell away, throne rusted, walls and floors faded and cracked. She shooed them out just before the room seemed to collapse on itself. Gaia turned giving both Faye and Jax a hug and kiss on the lips. They all watched as clothes of material not of this world appear on her body.

"That was my thanks and protection. I will let you slide for this crime, as it was destiny for you to find me... even you two." She glared at Sirus and Jimmy. “But you will return my kindness in fighting in my favor."

"Of course, I will... oh sweet goddess," I agreed.

"Me... me too, Mother!"

"Wait, so you said your children were imprisoned, who are your children," Sirus asked.

"The other gods and goddesses, of course."

"Even God," Jimmy asked.

"Yes, even Yahweh. He is not as powerful as you think, relatively speaking, he has stolen the powers of the others, somehow, he could not steal ours, but he managed to weaken us enough, and through these prisons, channel what we had left. I feel my strength returning."

"What can we do to help," I asked.

"In time I will come for you, when there is a call to arms."

"You're not gonna like kill me and Sirus are you?" Jimmy cringed.

"No, of course not. None of this is your fault, it happened centuries before you were born. Now I must take my leave... and you must take yours before the soldiers arrive... angelic, or earthly."

They walk quickly through the bank, Gaia only recognized three of the patrons, snapped her fingers, freeing them.

"It's okay children, you're free."

"Hey! Who is this bitch trying to free everybody‽" Glenn aimed his gun.

"Hey! This woman is the goddess of gods, the real alpha of the alpha and omega, mother nature, giver of life! Put that fucking gun down," I ordered.

"What? Are you crazy‽"

"This one reeks as well."

"Yeah, Christianity has quite the grasp on this country. The Abrahamic faiths practically rule this shit," I said.

Gaia walked over to him and whispered in his ear.

"Sure... okay, I'm so sorry," he started to cry.

She turned to the crew and smiled with a dazzling wink. Next thing they knew; they were in Jax's van watching their hostages wander out like they didn't know who they were.

"We need to get out of here before the angels come. We might be protected, but they aren't," I said.

"Let's go, Baby, get the fuck away from here," Faye agreed.

Jax started up the van and drove off, while the rest watched the sky’s, and he, for any cops.

Written by JaxRhapsody
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