Chris waited patiently outside the door, well trying to be patient. He tried to listen in on what was being said, but couldn't over the sound the others were making. Tommy and Jacob still argued over the TV while Steve played devil's advocate and added fuel to that fire. Andrew started to get annoyed with the bickering and tried to move away from them but only caused Leonard to harass him further. Chris didn't even bother to pay attention to what Alex and Jake were doing.
The twins, however, sat down by the door devising a way to sneak into the room without Dia or Fatima noticing. Amused by this plot, Chris watched hoping to see Dia try to kill the two idiots.
They heard through the door, "Just try it, and all of you will die again and not come back." The twins decided against their plot.
Fatima wrapped herself in a towel, her blond hair significantly darker from being wet. "So, I realized, I don't have spare clothes with me and I don't feel like walking out there in just a towel." Dia snickered slightly.
"Why not? They don't harass me if and when I do it."
"Yes, but there's this little thing called fear and they fear you and wish to torment me." Fatima duly stated.
"They don't wish to torment you."
"They have been since I met them." She sounded slightly put out. "Seriously, I know the vibes when someone doesn't like me and the malice I feel radiating through the door makes me light headed." She sighed and saw Dia's worried stare. "I'm used to it."
Dia's stare turned into a glare, "What does that mean?"
"It means everyone hates me and that's okay. Who needs the rest of the world anyway?" Fatima tried to force a smile and tilted her head to the side. Dia slapped her sharply. She wordlessly looked down at the floor. She held her hand to the sting on her cheek.
"Stop thinking that, don't ever say that again. Not everyone hates you. I think you're pretty cool. Weird, a little out of it sometimes, but you shouldn't take that shit from anyone, get a damn backbone."
"Well sorry! I do stand up for myself. I'm just tired of it. Home is where I get to sulk and complain with no judgment." She huffed and went to open the door. She hesitated feeling she forgotten something again.
"Fatima, clothes," Dia giggled. Her face flushed matching the color of an apple. "Hold on I'll help you out there." She opened the door. Fatima hid behind it so no one would see her. Dia looked down at Chris. "Go grab her some clothes."
"Why should I do it?"
"Did I say it had to be you?" She slammed the door shut.
Chris turned to the others, saw that most now fought each other for the remote. Andrew was choking out Jacob, who currently held the remote in his left hand while punching him back with his right. He saw Jake stand off to the side with Alex and Steve. Steve, who looked ready to snatch the remote while nobody paid attention.
"One of you, go grab some of Blondie's clothes." He told them. Jake and Alex smiled wickedly.
Fatima peeked out, "Anyone besides him." She pointed at Alex. Chris looked at her funny. Her face flushed red again, "What the hell you staring at!" She slammed the door.
Alex ran up to the door, "Honey, I already went through all of your clothes, three words, too much black!"
"No such thing and I have blues back there."
"Oh not anymore."
Fatima turned to Dia, "What is that supposed to mean?" She demanded, "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY CLOTHES?" She was answered by a knock on the door and Dia opened it, as some clothes flew into the room. She wordlessly stared at them.
"What are these Fatima?" She gingerly held up a pair of laced up leggings and a corset shirt.
"Damn, How did they even find those?" she snatched them and put them on.
"You're actually going to wear what they picked out?"
"Yeah, sure why not? This isn't the worst thing I had worn and I don't mind causing a scene so, yeah." She then assessed the state of the bathroom. "Damn, all that's left is the towel holder. How did you clean this so fast?"
"Trade secret," Dia giggled handing the metal rod to Fatima, who began to mount it on the wall. A few moments later the bathroom looked as though nothing had happened.
"Oh wait one last thing," Fatima left the room, paying no mind to the boys. She opened the closet where she pulled the holy water from and grabbed a small trinket. Dia watched her curiously, as she came back and hung the trinket against the corner of the mirror. "My roommate hates mirrors and always has an evil eye hang from it in order to feel more comfortable with them. Weird I know, but they break all the time, so it won't seem odd."
Dia checked her phone for the time. It was a little more than half past 11. She smiled at Fatima, who gave her a confused glance.
"I am so glad that we are such good friends, and I finally was able to come over I had a lovely time." She kissed Fatima on the cheek quickly, darted past the stunned girl, in one swift movement grabbed her purse and was out the door.
After a moment, the world sped back up and Fatima heard shouts and angry mutters from the boys. Fatima peeked at the boys, Tommy and Jacob clearly upset that Dia kissed Fatima. Several of the others glared at her from across the room. She huffed and called, "She's your friend, go follow her if you're just gonna glare at me like that." She proceeded to the kitchen to find something to eat.
"Yeah, but you have the TV, which we can control the channel," Leonard replied lazily. The rest already proceeded to ignore her again. She didn't mind it, as long as they weren't obnoxiously loud.
She grabbed some Poptarts from the pantry and dashed back to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. Her room was a mess as Alex and Jake had ripped her drawers apart. She sighed irritably and stepped over the pile of clothes. She noted Jojo was still on the bed, ignoring the rest of the world as well.
Fatima slipped on a pair of headphones and cranked the music up to block out the world as she sat down at her desk and began to examine the contents. Her hands skimmed over multiple boxes of beads of assorted colors and shapes. There was a note attached to her mannequin stand, a new order for an original necklace with a small description of color and detail information. She flexed her fingers and opened the Poptart packet.
"Let's see what I can do with this, shall we?"
The sound of triumphant laughter made everyone's head turn as they walked by a gleeful and enthusiastic Dia. Even though she was late again to her job, they expected as much anyway. One will never know when the owner wants to drop in or not. She had a day free of the morons and she felt that today was going to be a good day.
"Though, I do feel badly for pawning them off on Fatima," Dia said quietly to herself. "I do need the break, though." She stepped into a small café called Cherry Cafe. She was greeted by some friendly smiles and warm hellos from the regular customers and some of her staff. She waltzed past them and went into the back, where some of the waitresses giggled about something with the cooks.
"I saw that crude lady today on the street. The one that harassed and haggled some of the others. She took one look at my uniform before sneering at me." The girl burst out laughing as did the others.
"That is enough gossip people," Dia told them as she approached. She leaned forward, "Does she still have that Barbie perfect complex?" She smiled ruefully before jokingly adding, "I must command everyone's attention because I am the ideal perfection for all women. Be envious of my perfect shallow looks and hollow personality." They laughed for a moment before going back to work.
Dia entered her office and sat down, basking in the silence. She smiled to herself as nothing could ruin this moment.
"Damn, isn't this so peaceful Dia?" Tommy sighed, as he suddenly appeared in the corner of the room. Dia glared, moment ruined, peace and quiet gone. Jacob flinched at her seething rage. "Don't be mad, Dia. We figured only half of us could keep an eye on the demon and the rest should be sufficient to protect you!"
She frowned with a slight quiver of her lip, she was going to make him pay for disrupting her ghost-boy free day. She was on the verge of throwing in some tears to make him go away.
Andrew walked through the door and clocked Tommy hard in the head, "Look what you did, Idiot. You made her upset." A dark shadow loomed over both of them as she stood up. A loud crack was heard as they both looked at where a pencil now jutted out from the wall between them.
In a whisper, they heard her, "Either get out or perish. Same goes for whoever else came with you, two dumbasses." They both bolted from her sight, and she fell back into her chair with a muffled thud. "Why must they ruin everything?"
Tommy and Andrew met up with a few of the other guys right outside of the café. They sat on the fence separating the tables and chairs for the patrons and the sidewalk. Jacob lazily watched people pass by, before noticing the other two. "She's furious huh."
"You can say that," Tommy replied before turning his attention to some girls passing by. He leaned against the fence to get a better look at them from behind. Jacob whacked him in the back of the head in response. "Ow, what!" Tommy in turn wrestled him off the fence and claimed the spot as his own. They glared at each other as Jake complained about being their relative.
Andrew began to eye a man leaning against a light pole a few paces away. He had his hands to his mouth with a small flame before snuffing out the light and had a quick smoke break before heading off to wherever. Andrew gritted his teeth and glared with seething envy at the man, who in turn looked around confused as to why he felt someone watched him.
Jake looked at them and decided to break the tense silence. "Perhaps Dia wanted all of us to stay with that other girl," the disdain of looks he saw from them were staggering.
"Why would we stay with that dumbass blond? Why is Dia so interested in her anyway? Does she think that we would just suddenly decide to up and leave her because another girl can see us?" Jacob shoved Tommy off the fence and took his spot.
Tommy glared brushing himself off, "I think that is what she is hoping for, at the very least. I personally think it wouldn't be a bad idea to hang around this new girl. After all, she hasn't tried to hurt anyone, despite being a demon."
Jake looked at all of them mildly, "She is a demon, though, she could be setting us up."
Alex ran up to them from across the street. Andrew tilted his head, "Where have you been?"
"Oh, just looking around, and you-know-who is coming, what is this, attempt number 157?"
"More than that," Tommy smirked, all the boys' were well aware that Dia wasn't interested in any of them in a romantic sense. "Gotta hand it to him for not giving up."
Alex absentmindedly added, "Makes you wonder, why did Dia kiss Blondie this morning?" He smiled at the hateful reactions from the other four boys. "I wonder what they were really doing in the bathroom together too."
"Alex, Shut up!" Andrew shoved him with more force than necessary. Tommy stuck his leg out to trip him.
"It was a cheek kiss. It doesn't mean anything," Jake added trying to discredit the words that seemed to burn their ears. "Oh look here he comes."
They saw a man approach in a sharp looking suit. He lazily ignored everyone else in the world as he stepped past the group of boys.
Dia didn't have to look up as he approached her office, "What is it today, Mr. Grey? Asking me out for dinner, inviting me over to your home? The answer is still NO."
Grey smiled at her warily, "Actually, I think I found something that might interest you." He pulled out an envelope from his coat. She looked up at him with mild amusement. She gracefully took it from his hand and looked inside.
Her face furrowed into a frown. She raised an eyebrow at him as she shut the envelope and slipped it into a drawer. She had a bad taste in her mouth, "When?"
"Few days ago, I do believe." Grey smiled brightly at the fact she was intently interested now. She ignored him and pondered in silence. He stood there for a moment or two, "Well now since you already answered the other reason I am here, I must go."
"Such a busy man, you are Mr. Grey, even your hair signifies you're way under too much stress than what's healthy." She waited for him to leave, before frantically pulling back out the envelope and looking at the contents again. "You have got to be kidding me."
The twins, however, sat down by the door devising a way to sneak into the room without Dia or Fatima noticing. Amused by this plot, Chris watched hoping to see Dia try to kill the two idiots.
They heard through the door, "Just try it, and all of you will die again and not come back." The twins decided against their plot.
Fatima wrapped herself in a towel, her blond hair significantly darker from being wet. "So, I realized, I don't have spare clothes with me and I don't feel like walking out there in just a towel." Dia snickered slightly.
"Why not? They don't harass me if and when I do it."
"Yes, but there's this little thing called fear and they fear you and wish to torment me." Fatima duly stated.
"They don't wish to torment you."
"They have been since I met them." She sounded slightly put out. "Seriously, I know the vibes when someone doesn't like me and the malice I feel radiating through the door makes me light headed." She sighed and saw Dia's worried stare. "I'm used to it."
Dia's stare turned into a glare, "What does that mean?"
"It means everyone hates me and that's okay. Who needs the rest of the world anyway?" Fatima tried to force a smile and tilted her head to the side. Dia slapped her sharply. She wordlessly looked down at the floor. She held her hand to the sting on her cheek.
"Stop thinking that, don't ever say that again. Not everyone hates you. I think you're pretty cool. Weird, a little out of it sometimes, but you shouldn't take that shit from anyone, get a damn backbone."
"Well sorry! I do stand up for myself. I'm just tired of it. Home is where I get to sulk and complain with no judgment." She huffed and went to open the door. She hesitated feeling she forgotten something again.
"Fatima, clothes," Dia giggled. Her face flushed matching the color of an apple. "Hold on I'll help you out there." She opened the door. Fatima hid behind it so no one would see her. Dia looked down at Chris. "Go grab her some clothes."
"Why should I do it?"
"Did I say it had to be you?" She slammed the door shut.
Chris turned to the others, saw that most now fought each other for the remote. Andrew was choking out Jacob, who currently held the remote in his left hand while punching him back with his right. He saw Jake stand off to the side with Alex and Steve. Steve, who looked ready to snatch the remote while nobody paid attention.
"One of you, go grab some of Blondie's clothes." He told them. Jake and Alex smiled wickedly.
Fatima peeked out, "Anyone besides him." She pointed at Alex. Chris looked at her funny. Her face flushed red again, "What the hell you staring at!" She slammed the door.
Alex ran up to the door, "Honey, I already went through all of your clothes, three words, too much black!"
"No such thing and I have blues back there."
"Oh not anymore."
Fatima turned to Dia, "What is that supposed to mean?" She demanded, "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY CLOTHES?" She was answered by a knock on the door and Dia opened it, as some clothes flew into the room. She wordlessly stared at them.
"What are these Fatima?" She gingerly held up a pair of laced up leggings and a corset shirt.
"Damn, How did they even find those?" she snatched them and put them on.
"You're actually going to wear what they picked out?"
"Yeah, sure why not? This isn't the worst thing I had worn and I don't mind causing a scene so, yeah." She then assessed the state of the bathroom. "Damn, all that's left is the towel holder. How did you clean this so fast?"
"Trade secret," Dia giggled handing the metal rod to Fatima, who began to mount it on the wall. A few moments later the bathroom looked as though nothing had happened.
"Oh wait one last thing," Fatima left the room, paying no mind to the boys. She opened the closet where she pulled the holy water from and grabbed a small trinket. Dia watched her curiously, as she came back and hung the trinket against the corner of the mirror. "My roommate hates mirrors and always has an evil eye hang from it in order to feel more comfortable with them. Weird I know, but they break all the time, so it won't seem odd."
Dia checked her phone for the time. It was a little more than half past 11. She smiled at Fatima, who gave her a confused glance.
"I am so glad that we are such good friends, and I finally was able to come over I had a lovely time." She kissed Fatima on the cheek quickly, darted past the stunned girl, in one swift movement grabbed her purse and was out the door.
After a moment, the world sped back up and Fatima heard shouts and angry mutters from the boys. Fatima peeked at the boys, Tommy and Jacob clearly upset that Dia kissed Fatima. Several of the others glared at her from across the room. She huffed and called, "She's your friend, go follow her if you're just gonna glare at me like that." She proceeded to the kitchen to find something to eat.
"Yeah, but you have the TV, which we can control the channel," Leonard replied lazily. The rest already proceeded to ignore her again. She didn't mind it, as long as they weren't obnoxiously loud.
She grabbed some Poptarts from the pantry and dashed back to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. Her room was a mess as Alex and Jake had ripped her drawers apart. She sighed irritably and stepped over the pile of clothes. She noted Jojo was still on the bed, ignoring the rest of the world as well.
Fatima slipped on a pair of headphones and cranked the music up to block out the world as she sat down at her desk and began to examine the contents. Her hands skimmed over multiple boxes of beads of assorted colors and shapes. There was a note attached to her mannequin stand, a new order for an original necklace with a small description of color and detail information. She flexed her fingers and opened the Poptart packet.
"Let's see what I can do with this, shall we?"
The sound of triumphant laughter made everyone's head turn as they walked by a gleeful and enthusiastic Dia. Even though she was late again to her job, they expected as much anyway. One will never know when the owner wants to drop in or not. She had a day free of the morons and she felt that today was going to be a good day.
"Though, I do feel badly for pawning them off on Fatima," Dia said quietly to herself. "I do need the break, though." She stepped into a small café called Cherry Cafe. She was greeted by some friendly smiles and warm hellos from the regular customers and some of her staff. She waltzed past them and went into the back, where some of the waitresses giggled about something with the cooks.
"I saw that crude lady today on the street. The one that harassed and haggled some of the others. She took one look at my uniform before sneering at me." The girl burst out laughing as did the others.
"That is enough gossip people," Dia told them as she approached. She leaned forward, "Does she still have that Barbie perfect complex?" She smiled ruefully before jokingly adding, "I must command everyone's attention because I am the ideal perfection for all women. Be envious of my perfect shallow looks and hollow personality." They laughed for a moment before going back to work.
Dia entered her office and sat down, basking in the silence. She smiled to herself as nothing could ruin this moment.
"Damn, isn't this so peaceful Dia?" Tommy sighed, as he suddenly appeared in the corner of the room. Dia glared, moment ruined, peace and quiet gone. Jacob flinched at her seething rage. "Don't be mad, Dia. We figured only half of us could keep an eye on the demon and the rest should be sufficient to protect you!"
She frowned with a slight quiver of her lip, she was going to make him pay for disrupting her ghost-boy free day. She was on the verge of throwing in some tears to make him go away.
Andrew walked through the door and clocked Tommy hard in the head, "Look what you did, Idiot. You made her upset." A dark shadow loomed over both of them as she stood up. A loud crack was heard as they both looked at where a pencil now jutted out from the wall between them.
In a whisper, they heard her, "Either get out or perish. Same goes for whoever else came with you, two dumbasses." They both bolted from her sight, and she fell back into her chair with a muffled thud. "Why must they ruin everything?"
Tommy and Andrew met up with a few of the other guys right outside of the café. They sat on the fence separating the tables and chairs for the patrons and the sidewalk. Jacob lazily watched people pass by, before noticing the other two. "She's furious huh."
"You can say that," Tommy replied before turning his attention to some girls passing by. He leaned against the fence to get a better look at them from behind. Jacob whacked him in the back of the head in response. "Ow, what!" Tommy in turn wrestled him off the fence and claimed the spot as his own. They glared at each other as Jake complained about being their relative.
Andrew began to eye a man leaning against a light pole a few paces away. He had his hands to his mouth with a small flame before snuffing out the light and had a quick smoke break before heading off to wherever. Andrew gritted his teeth and glared with seething envy at the man, who in turn looked around confused as to why he felt someone watched him.
Jake looked at them and decided to break the tense silence. "Perhaps Dia wanted all of us to stay with that other girl," the disdain of looks he saw from them were staggering.
"Why would we stay with that dumbass blond? Why is Dia so interested in her anyway? Does she think that we would just suddenly decide to up and leave her because another girl can see us?" Jacob shoved Tommy off the fence and took his spot.
Tommy glared brushing himself off, "I think that is what she is hoping for, at the very least. I personally think it wouldn't be a bad idea to hang around this new girl. After all, she hasn't tried to hurt anyone, despite being a demon."
Jake looked at all of them mildly, "She is a demon, though, she could be setting us up."
Alex ran up to them from across the street. Andrew tilted his head, "Where have you been?"
"Oh, just looking around, and you-know-who is coming, what is this, attempt number 157?"
"More than that," Tommy smirked, all the boys' were well aware that Dia wasn't interested in any of them in a romantic sense. "Gotta hand it to him for not giving up."
Alex absentmindedly added, "Makes you wonder, why did Dia kiss Blondie this morning?" He smiled at the hateful reactions from the other four boys. "I wonder what they were really doing in the bathroom together too."
"Alex, Shut up!" Andrew shoved him with more force than necessary. Tommy stuck his leg out to trip him.
"It was a cheek kiss. It doesn't mean anything," Jake added trying to discredit the words that seemed to burn their ears. "Oh look here he comes."
They saw a man approach in a sharp looking suit. He lazily ignored everyone else in the world as he stepped past the group of boys.
Dia didn't have to look up as he approached her office, "What is it today, Mr. Grey? Asking me out for dinner, inviting me over to your home? The answer is still NO."
Grey smiled at her warily, "Actually, I think I found something that might interest you." He pulled out an envelope from his coat. She looked up at him with mild amusement. She gracefully took it from his hand and looked inside.
Her face furrowed into a frown. She raised an eyebrow at him as she shut the envelope and slipped it into a drawer. She had a bad taste in her mouth, "When?"
"Few days ago, I do believe." Grey smiled brightly at the fact she was intently interested now. She ignored him and pondered in silence. He stood there for a moment or two, "Well now since you already answered the other reason I am here, I must go."
"Such a busy man, you are Mr. Grey, even your hair signifies you're way under too much stress than what's healthy." She waited for him to leave, before frantically pulling back out the envelope and looking at the contents again. "You have got to be kidding me."