Greetings, one and all – it is I, Orl the Omniscient, coming to you from a well-hidden (and even more well-guarded) location, and I know you’re coming, so please just give it up, okay? Anyway, it’s been an interesting week in the weird and wonderful world of supers, and we here at SuperFriendly are happy to bring you some of the highlights.
So read on, and find out what happens when some of the top names in villainy just can’t get along, or what really happens to Baldur between incarnations, and hear what two of our most eminent extraterrestrials think of Earth, how the UN’s proposed SuperFlightPlan will affect your life, and how to fix your supercomputer when it turns traitor on you.
Happy reading, (super)folks!
SuperFriendly Editor
Orl (the Omniscient)
What’s In a Name? Villains Clash Over Team Name
{{By Editor Orl: The One Who Knows}} Mister Impossible, Loki Fire-eyes and the Master Thinker are three names that speak for themselves when it comes to archvillainy. So what happens when three of the greats merge forces and bring together their respective gangs – the Legion of Doom, the Ragnarokkers and the Thought Thugs? If you’re guessing a naming discussion that leads to a public brawl and an easy victory for The Hero Squad, then… {{READ ON}}
Baldur’s Big Adventure
{{By Baldur: Hero, God, Entrepreneur}} If there’s one thing I strive to do, it’s help guide humanity, the Earth and the universe in general to be all it can be – it’s my sworn duty to protect them from all manner of evils. Unfortunately, sometimes that duty results in my untimely demise (Loki – remind me to thank you properly soon…). I always come back eventually – but it’s not as easy, or as much fun, as you might think. Okay, it is fun…but not easy. Let me tell you about the last time I died… {{READ ON}}
TECH TALK with Tom and Crackle: So your Supercomputer’s become Sentient…
{{By Tom: Supergenius, Nice Guy & Crackle: Electrokinetic, Thief Done Good}} From time to time, those of you who have the knack may try your hand at creating a supercomputer or tow. It’s only natural, given how crappy the technology currently on the market is relative to your super-needs. But what do you do when your boson-powered quantum supercomputer spontaneously develops intelligence that – let’s be honest – may make you look a bit thick? First things first – don’t panic… {{READ ON}}
Eye On The Sky: Flights, Tights and Rights
{{By OmniMan: Hero’s Hero}} Unless you’re a real landlubber, you’ve probably heard all about the UN’s proposal to regulate the flight paths and plans of all supers – or the law-abiding ones, at least – and link them up with flight controllers. And while it’s true that it would be nice to know when you’re about to crash into a plane, or a fellow flying crime-fighting friend, I’m pretty sure the costs outweigh the benefits here – and that some evil villain is actually behind it. Here’s what we know… {{READ ON}}
The Other Perspective: Earther Politics from the Galactic Viewpoint
{{By Herald: Cosmic Questor & Starburst: Stellar Desroyer}} Earth is a most peculiar place: far more supers, far more diversity, and – of course – far more internal politics than most of the rest of the galaxy. For those of us (“heroes” and “villains” alike) who have essentially immigrated to this tiny planet from the vaster cosmos, it’s fascinating to consider how differently things could have turned out if Earth had been closer to the Core Worlds…and why we might want to consider moving that way soon…. {{READ ON}}
Like what you see in this newsletter? Interested in more supernews and views? Then check out some related content from around the UltraNet…
HenchPeeps Inc: Devious Schemes for the Busy Archfiend {{LINK}}
It’s not easy coming up with devilish schemes for world conquest – and it’s especially painful to have them foiled at the last minute by annoying heroes. But we’re here to help - here are some extra-special schemes for the discerning supervillain…
SuperBuzz: 6 (Super)Smooches that Broke the Mold {{LINK}}
Let’s face it – things get pretty heated in a superbattle, when lives and worlds are at stake, and you never know what’s going to happen. So it’s not surprising that some of the most passionate lip-locks happen in the midst of mayhem, between heroes, villains and others. Check these crazy kisses out…
PowerUps: Mystical Snacks to Get Your Game Back {{LINK}}
Every super knows that you are what you eat (or drink, or convert directly into energy) – but only the elite know what the real supersnacks are: Mushrooms of Might, Power Potions, Elixirs of Life and more…
Thank you for using SuperFriendly for your super-information needs. To unsubscribe, just think it through very carefully. If you finally do decide to let us go, Orl will know. And if not, don’t worry about changing your smail address or other contact details – our news team will get to you wherever you are…
So read on, and find out what happens when some of the top names in villainy just can’t get along, or what really happens to Baldur between incarnations, and hear what two of our most eminent extraterrestrials think of Earth, how the UN’s proposed SuperFlightPlan will affect your life, and how to fix your supercomputer when it turns traitor on you.
Happy reading, (super)folks!
SuperFriendly Editor
Orl (the Omniscient)
What’s In a Name? Villains Clash Over Team Name
{{By Editor Orl: The One Who Knows}} Mister Impossible, Loki Fire-eyes and the Master Thinker are three names that speak for themselves when it comes to archvillainy. So what happens when three of the greats merge forces and bring together their respective gangs – the Legion of Doom, the Ragnarokkers and the Thought Thugs? If you’re guessing a naming discussion that leads to a public brawl and an easy victory for The Hero Squad, then… {{READ ON}}
Baldur’s Big Adventure
{{By Baldur: Hero, God, Entrepreneur}} If there’s one thing I strive to do, it’s help guide humanity, the Earth and the universe in general to be all it can be – it’s my sworn duty to protect them from all manner of evils. Unfortunately, sometimes that duty results in my untimely demise (Loki – remind me to thank you properly soon…). I always come back eventually – but it’s not as easy, or as much fun, as you might think. Okay, it is fun…but not easy. Let me tell you about the last time I died… {{READ ON}}
TECH TALK with Tom and Crackle: So your Supercomputer’s become Sentient…
{{By Tom: Supergenius, Nice Guy & Crackle: Electrokinetic, Thief Done Good}} From time to time, those of you who have the knack may try your hand at creating a supercomputer or tow. It’s only natural, given how crappy the technology currently on the market is relative to your super-needs. But what do you do when your boson-powered quantum supercomputer spontaneously develops intelligence that – let’s be honest – may make you look a bit thick? First things first – don’t panic… {{READ ON}}
Eye On The Sky: Flights, Tights and Rights
{{By OmniMan: Hero’s Hero}} Unless you’re a real landlubber, you’ve probably heard all about the UN’s proposal to regulate the flight paths and plans of all supers – or the law-abiding ones, at least – and link them up with flight controllers. And while it’s true that it would be nice to know when you’re about to crash into a plane, or a fellow flying crime-fighting friend, I’m pretty sure the costs outweigh the benefits here – and that some evil villain is actually behind it. Here’s what we know… {{READ ON}}
The Other Perspective: Earther Politics from the Galactic Viewpoint
{{By Herald: Cosmic Questor & Starburst: Stellar Desroyer}} Earth is a most peculiar place: far more supers, far more diversity, and – of course – far more internal politics than most of the rest of the galaxy. For those of us (“heroes” and “villains” alike) who have essentially immigrated to this tiny planet from the vaster cosmos, it’s fascinating to consider how differently things could have turned out if Earth had been closer to the Core Worlds…and why we might want to consider moving that way soon…. {{READ ON}}
Like what you see in this newsletter? Interested in more supernews and views? Then check out some related content from around the UltraNet…
HenchPeeps Inc: Devious Schemes for the Busy Archfiend {{LINK}}
It’s not easy coming up with devilish schemes for world conquest – and it’s especially painful to have them foiled at the last minute by annoying heroes. But we’re here to help - here are some extra-special schemes for the discerning supervillain…
SuperBuzz: 6 (Super)Smooches that Broke the Mold {{LINK}}
Let’s face it – things get pretty heated in a superbattle, when lives and worlds are at stake, and you never know what’s going to happen. So it’s not surprising that some of the most passionate lip-locks happen in the midst of mayhem, between heroes, villains and others. Check these crazy kisses out…
PowerUps: Mystical Snacks to Get Your Game Back {{LINK}}
Every super knows that you are what you eat (or drink, or convert directly into energy) – but only the elite know what the real supersnacks are: Mushrooms of Might, Power Potions, Elixirs of Life and more…
Thank you for using SuperFriendly for your super-information needs. To unsubscribe, just think it through very carefully. If you finally do decide to let us go, Orl will know. And if not, don’t worry about changing your smail address or other contact details – our news team will get to you wherever you are…