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More Than Just A Kiss, part six – Johnny’s Visit

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She had two lovers: the fiance’ she’d loved for years and wanted to marry, and this new man, the one she couldn’t stop seeing...

Gwen Kaplan sat in one of the small, doorless cubicles that lined the back wall of the lobby of her all-female dorm. It might be 1970, but these so-called ‘beau parlors were the only sanctioned spot for what the school conduct manual still referred to as, “entertaining gentleman callers.”

As she waited for her fiance, Johnny DeAngelo, to arrive, she pondered what a mess her once well-ordered life had recently become. After what she had insisted would be a once-in-a-lifetime weekend spent making love with Mark Cahill, her ‘other man', the one who wasn’t her fiance’, Gwen had promised both herself and her friends it would never happen again.

Her friends had greeted this pledge with open skepticism. Her friends had been right.

Despite Gwen’s best intentions, the long weekend she spent with Mark had not been a one-time event, but the beginning of something both exciting and very exhausting. From then on she faced trying to cope with the sex drives of both Mark and Johnny while going to school full time and working part time at her new job on a children's psych ward. This routine resulted in more sex than she ever dreamed possible, but at the cost of a lot of lost sleep.

In her increasingly rare moments of peace and quiet, she sometimes wondered how long she could keep up this physically demanding and emotionally draining existence. The answer was always the same; until Mark left or she collapsed.

Being the object of two men's sexual desires gave her ego an incredible lift. Fortunately, it also provided her with a strong adrenaline boost, since the physical demands involved with keeping two men satisfied had started to become a strain.

Her two lovers were complete opposites. Each had a distinctive style and personality to the point of having different ways of walking and holding her hand. Johnny’s body was slender and familiar, while she was still learning about Mark’s big frame. Each man had his own unique scent and taste. And when it came to kissing and making love, they couldn’t have been more different. It sometimes seemed the one thing they had in common was what appeared to be an insatiable appetite for sex and a desire to use her increasingly exhausted body to appease their hunger.

To meet this challenge, she developed a pattern of spending alternating weekends with one or the other of her two lovers. One weekend, she’d stay in the city with Mark. The following Friday she'd go home and spend time with her family and Johnny.

While she and Johnny sometimes got free tickets to a hockey or basketball game, most of the time weekend dates with him meant going out for pizza, then showing up at a party or catching a movie. Afterward, they'd drive to a dark, secluded spot where the back seat of his old Chevrolet would be turned into their private playpen.

Weekends with Mark were very different. Dinner in some exotic or cozy restaurants, might be followed by a movie, maybe even a Broadway play, and then, if the weather was nice, they'd take aimless walks through the city. One night they even rode back and forth on the Staten Island ferry and kissed on the deserted, wind swept upper deck each time they sailed past the Statue of Liberty. Whatever they did, their evenings always ended with marathon sessions of love making back in their hotel room.

Amid all the excitement, adventure and sex, Gwen found it ever harder to deal with the contradiction of being engaged to a man she’d loved for years while at the same time dating, and making passionate love with, another man for whom she felt a growing affection. Now, as she continued to wait on Johnny, Gwen knew she should stop seeing Mark, but also knew she wouldn't.

She rationalized her inaction as concern for his emotional well-being. After all, if she suddenly quit seeing him, he might think it was because of his disability. This sense of rejection would be compounded by his isolation from friends and family. As a result, there was a chance he might sink into a deep, and possibly dangerous, depression.

But why should I care? He doesn't seem to think of me as anything more than a temporary diversion, a brief affair while he’s in New York. To him, I'm just someone he can have a good time with while breaking the hospital monotony. Whatever we have will end the moment his medical treatments are finished. He'll catch the first available plane back south and probably marry some slender, blonde southern belle type.

For just a moment, her mind went blank as she stared at the opposite wall. With an unconscious shake of her head, she slowly finished the thought. After that, well, after that, I'll be able to spend all my time concentrating on Johnny and making him happy.

Much to her relief, he’d recently gone to work as a runner down in the financial district. On slow Wednesdays, he sometimes managed to get off work early. Whenever that happened, he’d call to see if it were okay for him to stop off for a quick visit on his way home.

No matter what Gwen might have wanted to do, she never hesitated to say, yes. As it happened, Wednesday evening were usually free of classes or study groups.

Since today was Wednesday, she hadn’t been surprised when he called. She told him she would be eagerly waiting in the usual place and promised he wouldn't be interfering with anything she had planned. In a way, she hadn't been lying. Of course, on those Wednesdays when Johnny didn't drop by, she often managed to find time to make an unplanned visit to Mark in the nearby VA hospital.

The sound of her fiancé's high-pitched, slightly irritated voice broke her reverie. "Gwen, where the hell are you, woman?"

She stood and stuffed her ‘Mets 1969 World Series Champs’ t-shirt into her faded jeans, then called back to him.

Moments later, he hurried in saying, “How’s my woman?”

They kissed, then sat on the worn love seat where he pulled her close for another kiss. She noticed he had on his old blue blazer with a soiled white shirt and an unfashionably thin tie.

"Here, let me make you comfortable," cooed Gwen as she helped him out of his coat. After folding and placing it on top of her purse, she took hold of his tie as if to loosen it. Instead, she used it to pull him, in what she hoped was a seductive way, toward her for a long, deep kiss.

When their lips finally parted, he hugged her close. "Damn, but I've missed you, sweetheart."

"You shouldn't have missed me that much; not after all we did last time."

Thanks to Johnny’s mom spending Saturday night with her mother in New Jersey, they had unrestricted use of the apartment that entire evening. Gwen had no idea how many times they made love, but when she left, her fiancé had been sound asleep on the couch with a very contented smile on his face.

"No doubt about it. But that was ten long days ago. Still, it was great. Kind of reminded me of how great doing it on a regular basis was, like that time Mom went away for a week. Anyway, now I feel all deprived." Johnny emphasized his point by giving one of Gwen’s breasts a playful squeeze.

"Take my word for it, fella, you're depraved, not deprived.” She made a token effort to push him away.
"Besides, why should you feel deprived? You seemed to be well satisfied last time."

"Oh, I was, believe me woman, I was. You laid some serious loving on me. That's just the problem.

"You see, that weekend was so good, I get all hot and bothered whenever I start thinking about all the stuff we did. I mean, I can't get to sleep at night and my mind starts to wander when I’m on the job. So if I don't get some relief real soon, I may get fired."

"Well, it does seem like you've got a big problem here.” With a wink, she patted the bulge in his pants. "And I wouldn't want to be the cause of you losing your new job. The problem is there's just not much a girl can do in this place. That old nurse on the front desk is the notorious Mrs. Eastland. We call her ‘Eagle Eyes’ Eastland. She's constantly walking by the 'Beau Parlors' and checking under the partitions. If she doesn't see four feet on the floor, you're in super deep trouble."

"But I need relief," insisted Johnny. “You're not going to let some old bag keep you from helping the man you love, are you? After all, aren't you nurses supposed to be angels of mercy, dedicated to easing man's suffering and all that?"

With a giggle, she nodded her head. "Of course we are. But you've got to remember, I'm just a poor, hard working nursing student. I haven't gotten my angel wings yet. Still, you've convinced me you're a man who's doing some heavy-duty suffering. So let's see what I can do about your problem."

Gwen leaned over and nibbled on one of Johnny's sensitive earlobe while feeling for the jacket she’d carefully left within easy reach.

Once the blazer covered Johnny’s lap, she slipped her hand underneath and squeezed the taut fabric covering his erection. When he started to shudder and moan, she tugged down the zipper, slipped a hand inside, and began providing what she hoped would be quick relief .

With a sigh, Johnny slid his hips forward on the small couch and straightened his body so she would have more room inside his pants. Soon he began to pant and hunch. "Oh damn, but this is so fine. Keep it up woman, keep it up."

"I will. You just keep it quiet," she hissed, afraid someone might overhear his impassioned remarks.

A few moments later, he let her know his relief was moment’s away. "Of course, if I, uh, leave with my pants all messed up, that old bag will be sure to know what we've been doing."

Gwen knew what he was hinting at, and wasn't interested. "I'm afraid we'll just have to risk that. Look, these love seats were built too small for a reason. There’s no way I can lean over and if Mrs. Eastland ever looked under this partition and caught me kneeling on the floor, I'd really be in trouble. So just relax and enjoy what we can do, okay? I'll take care of the mess later."

"Well sure, that's, uh, great, I suppose." His voice was a mixture of excitement and petulant disappointment. "Hey, I've got it. Why don't I stand in front of you? That way she'll see four feet on the floor while you put your loving lips to good use."

This latest idea was about as unappealing to Gwen as the first. She was also becoming impatient with his childish insistence on getting his way. "Look, Johnny, I'm sorry, but I just can't take the chance. With our luck, Mrs. Eastland would be sure to notice something. If I got caught in here doing what you want, I'd definitely get kicked out of school."

"Like hell you would. Besides, what's more important, school or me?"

For an instant, the question left Gwen speechless. They had been dating for four years. By now he had to know how important nursing was to her. How could he even think to ask such a question?

"You are, of course. But they're not mutually exclusive."

"Well, they sure as hell are tonight.”

AS Gwen struggled to think of something to say that would pacify Johnny, he stood up and began straightening his clothes. "Look, it's pretty damn obvious you're a hell of a lot more interested in school than me, at least tonight. And if that's the way you feel, I'm getting the hell out of here."

Looking up at her sulking boyfriend, Gwen found herself feeling both dismay and disgust. Forcing a smile, she patted the couch. "Come on, sit back down and let me see if I can put a smile back on your face."

He turned to face her and began unzipping his fly. "I've got a better idea for you to chew on."

With that, her anger boiled over. "Damn it Johnny, I told you that was out and I told you why!"

After shoving him out of the way, she stood. "The only thing you give a damn about is getting your rocks off and getting your way. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you," she said, in a voice laced with unaccustomed sarcasm, "but in here, it's my way or no way."

For just a moment, Johnny stood staring in surprise at this unexpected outburst. Then his anger reasserted itself. Zipping up his pants one more time, he turned to leave the room.

"Wait a second," she said, reaching down for her purse. "I'll go with you to the front door."

"You're sure it's not too much trouble? God forbid I get a nursing student in trouble with dear Mrs. Eastland."

They walked in silence to the lobby entrance. "I'm sorry I had to disappoint you," she said when they reached the door. "I promise I'll make it up to you this weekend."

A small smile creased the sullen expression on his face. "Well, I suppose that's something to look forward to."

After a perfunctory kiss, he walked out into the early evening gloom.

She watched through the thick glass doors as he stopped outside to comb his hair. It was a sure sign he was nervous and upset. After all these years, she could read his every emotion. As long as his masculinity wasn't threatened, there was no problem. Tonight he had forced her to hurt his male ego and now he was pouting. Still, with luck, he'd come back in after cooling off and they could make up.

Instead, Johnny put on his blazer, lit a cigarette, and stood for a moment, absent-mindedly playing with his lighter. Then he put the lighter away and, after a short pause, strode away without ever looking back.

Damn, but he’d been a creep tonight, thought Gwen. Sure he was horny, when wasn't he? Still, it should have been obvious to anyone why she couldn't risk doing what he wanted.

As the shape of Johnny's back faded in the twilight, she began to wonder if she was right. Had the risk really been that obvious? What would another guy have done in the same situation? More specifically, what would Mark have done?

Well, there was just one way to find out. She checked her watch. With Johnny leaving early, she had just enough time. She noticed her reflection in the glass door and decided there was also time to change out of her t-shirt and jeans and freshen up her makeup before putting Mr. Mark to the test.

Written by Rumple_deWriter
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