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A Sleigh Ride To Remember

"Join Miss Athelia for a magical sleigh ride."

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Author's Notes

"Merry Christmas to all!"

“Merry Christmas Eve!” A man with rosy apple cheeks stood on her doorstep, brushing snowflakes from his graying beard and coat. His green eyes twinkled, reflecting his jolly nature. “Would you be Miss Athelia?”

“Why yes.” She stood humped over in the doorway, propped up with a cane. 

“Miss Athelia, I’m Nicholi, and I’ve come to take you for a sleigh ride.”

Her weak mouth tried to lift its corners into a smile. “Oh my. A sleigh ride. Why I haven’t been on a sleigh ride since…” Try as she might, she couldn’t quite grasp that memory thread from her feeble mind. 

“May I step inside and help you with your coat and hat? It’s spitting snow at the moment.” 

She wobbled to the side, excitement bubbling up inside because she no longer received visitors. Nicholi had not expected her condition to be so fragile, and he gingerly maneuvered around her frail form and retrieved a lovely dark green coat trimmed in black fur and a matching fur hat from the rack. “Let’s get you bundled up,” he said, then helped steer her arms into her coat. When he tugged her hat down over her ears, winter-white wispies poked out from around the edges of her hat. He looked into her blue eyes, which would still make the sky turn green with envy, and witnessed glimpses of her younger self.

Miss Athelia reached up and cupped his face with crooked fingers, then traced her fingers around his nose, eyes, and lips like a blind person trying to see. “Do I know you?”

Nicholi covered her trembling hands with his, answering, “In a way.”

He guided her outside into the snowy night, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. A white chocolate Clydesdale with white feathery-like legs stood ready to pull the elegant red sleigh with glittering gold trim. 

“Is this for me?” Her hollowed cheeks plumped and pinkened as she gazed at the magnificent horse-drawn sleigh. 

“Yes, Miss Athelia, it’s just for you.” 

Her knees creaked when he helped her into the seat, but she managed a smile when Nicholi covered her legs with a warm fleece blanket. After seeing to her comfort, he climbed up beside her and grabbed the reins. 

Miss Athelia turned to him. “Well, giddy-up, young man.”

Nicholi chuckled. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had referred to him as a “young man.” After taking another peek to his side to ensure she was safely seated, he flicked his wrist, and with a snap of the reins, they were off. 

It wasn’t long before sounds of merriment muffled the clip-clop of the horse's hooves on the snow-packed cobblestone. Bells jingled from every corner. Children’s laughter echoed all around them. Last-minute shoppers darted in and out of stores. Joyful chaos best described them. Dazzling lighted window displays provided a wondrous accompaniment to the flickering gas lanterns. Miss Athelia rotated her head like an owl, not missing a thing. 

Nicholi slowed the sleigh alongside “Scooter’s Coffee & Muffins” and turned to Miss Athelia. 

Recognition slowly spread across her face, and she excitedly patted his arm. “I used to come here with Finn!” She closed her eyes and sniffed the chilly air. “Peppermint mocha. It’s my favourite.” 

The pleasing aroma grew stronger, recreating a memory, and she intently stared through the window.

Finn smiled, drawing a heart in her coffee with the creamer before handing her the cup. 

She touched the rim to her bottom lip and gently blew, her eyes never leaving his. Their game of footsie underneath the table had begunthe game they played every Wednesday. Finn was quite a few years older than Athelia, but unlike his hair, he had never lost his youthful spirit. 

His tremoring hand lifted a piece of a chocolate chip muffin to Athelia’s lips. She took a bite and then sucked on his fingers, and they giggled like naughty children when their public displays of affection drew stares and gasps from the younger generations. 

With perfect timing, a sudden gust of wind scattered her reflective thoughts before she’d replay his passing. She shivered and drew the fur collar of her coat tighter around her exposed neck. 

Miss Athelia looped her arm through Nicholi’s arm and looked up at him with thicker lashes that had darkened from unnoticeable gray to black. “Finn was my last love,” she said. Then, her lips upturned, and her tone brightened. “I have had many, you know—loves. The men have always found me quite fetching.”

Nicholi patted her tiny hand resting on his sleeve. “I have no doubt, dear lady, no doubt.” 

He snapped the reins again, and they were off. Age hadn’t dimmed her vivacious spirit; despite her frailty, he recognized it as soon as she opened the door. 

The horse pulled the sleigh down Main Street, adorned with more twinkling lights. The town Christmas tree, decorated with oversized red and gold ornaments, was the centerpiece of the holiday celebration. They reached a brick-and-mortar on the corner, and she jabbed the air with her finger.

“There… I worked there.” She straightened in her seat, pulling her slumped shoulders back. “I was a secretary and a good one. Everybody said so.” 

“I bet you were.” Nicholi squeezed her hand, enjoying her show of pride in her work.

“Dated lots of men during that time, too.” Her smile conveyed happiness with a hint of mischief. “I remember one particularly grand time at one of our office Christmas parties. What was his name?” She rapped her forehead with her knuckles, trying to wake up a sleeping memory. Finally, it came to her. “Adam! His name was Adam.”

Athelia twirled around the room in her shimmering green dress, accentuating her hourglass figure, wishing everyone “Merry Christmas.” Egg Nog had been flowing, and people were dancing, so it was the perfect time to slip away unnoticed. Adam and Athelia worked in the same department, and office romances were against the rules. Maybe that’s what made it so irresistible. 

Adam couldn’t tear his eyes from her well-rounded bum as she bent over, fumbling to unlock her boss’s office. 

“We can’t do this!” 

She responded with an evil grin and tousled his red hair with her fingers. “Where’s your sense of adventure?” she said as she tugged him by the hand into the office. 

“You’re such a naughty minx,” Adam scolded, then pulled her playfully against him. Her intoxicating scent of fruity, fresh flowers flared his nostrils. 

“You smell good, baby!” 

She threw her head back and giggled. “I know where he keeps the good stuff!” 

She set about snooping through his liquors until she found what she wanted and poured them each a glass.  

Adam said, “A toast to you, Athelia—the most beautiful lady my eyes have ever seen.” 

They clinked glasses and drank, and then he passionately kissed her red, waiting lips. 

Miss Athelia slumped back against the seat, gathering her breath. Nicholi noticed the lines around her eyes had softened. 

“Adam was my favourite lover. Did you know that my boss fancied me too?”

“Is that right? And did he become a lover?”

“Oh heavens no, Nicholi.” She lightly swatted his arm. “He was married, and I never took what was already taken. I’m a proper lady, after all.” 

She rested her head on his shoulder, and he urged the horse onward. 

They soon reached a group of carolers on the sidewalk, and Nicholi stopped the sleigh. They were dressed in bright red and green scarves, hats, and mittens and swayed back and forth while singing “Deck the Halls.” Miss Athelia immediately perked up, and before long, Nicholi heard her humming, “Fa la la la la,” her voice off-key but stronger than before. 

When the song ended, one of the carolers, a handsome man in a distinguished long coat and top hat, handed her a candy cane. She leaned forward to accept the candy and fluttered her long lashes at him, offering, “Thank you, kind Sir.”

She leaned back in her seat, and Nicholi pulled the blanket back over her legs. “How are you feeling, Miss Athelia?” 

She simply replied, “Alive,” and slid the candy cane between her plump lips.

Nicholi ushered the horse along, and she happily kicked her feet while enjoying her candy. She abruptly leaned forward when they neared an old house on the outskirts of town. From the road, it looked abandoned, with its missing shingles and broken window. 

“I know that house!” Miss Athelia motioned to the side. “Closer, please!” 

Nicholi steered the sleigh toward the road leading toward the home, and Miss Athelia saw a tall silhouette standing by a snowbank, shaking his head from side to side. Spirited voices reached her ears. She turned to Nicholi and bounced up and down in her seat. “It’s Edward!” She giggled, the hoarseness gone from her voice. “Listen.” 

Edward never quite knew what the arch of her eyebrow meant, but more often than not, it meant trouble. 

“Well, if you are too scared, I’ll do it alone.”  

“I’m not scared!” 

Athelia danced around him, poking him. “Scaredy Cat! Scaredy Cat!” she continued to tease. 

“That’s it!”  Edward unzipped his coat, and she unzipped hers, and in a few moments, they both stood naked, shivering and hopping up and down. 

“One, two, three, go!” Athelia hollered, and then both fell backward into the snowbank. 

If any neighbors had been within a mile, they’d surely have heard their screams. The cold snow stung their backsides. The two rapidly swooshed their arms and legs out to the side, and the weight of their bodies sunk them further into the powdery snow. Their bravery in the snowbank lasted about a minute before both jumped up and raced inside, laughing. 

Edward led her to the crackling fireplace to warm their freezing flesh. They feverishly rubbed one another until some pink colour returned to their bluish skin. 

Then, Edward gathered Athelia in his arms and confessed his love for her. 

Athelia turned back to Nicholi with a twinkle in her eye and rested her hand on his thigh. “I would have done anything for Edward—well, almost anything. I so enjoyed his company!” 

Nicholi chuckled. “Dear lady, I’m sure he enjoyed your company as well.” 

Her expression turned serious. “Edward wanted to marry me, you know. I said no.” She winced and looked away into the distance, her voice quieting. “Do you think I’ve been selfish? Not wanting to settle down with just one.” 

“Oh, no. I’d never call you selfish, Miss Athelia. You are what I’d call a “free spirit.” He tucked a curly black tendril behind her ear, adjusted her hat, and gently lifted her chin to look him in the eye. “You have lived with an open heart, my sweet lady.  And there’s nothing wrong with spreading your love around. You’ve touched many hearts, and that's truly a wonderful thing.”

Miss Athelia’s eyes pooled with happy tears, and she nestled snugly against him. Nicholi couldn’t help but notice her breasts no longer drooped but sat higher on her chest. He politely averted his gaze to the snow-covered road ahead. They left the festive town behind and entered the gentle hush of the forest.

The wind swirled snowflakes around them, and she delighted in catching one on her finger. Examining it more closely, she said, “I’ve heard each snowflake is unique. Did you know that, Nicholi?”

“Why yes, I did. Same as people, I guess.”

“Am I unique?” She flicked her tongue out to taste the snowflake.

“Oh yes, Miss Athelia, in the most extraordinary way.”

She smiled and tilted her head back, enjoying the snowflakes kissing her face. Then, something caught her eye. Puffs of white smoke billowed from the greenish-black silhouettes of pine trees a short distance away.

“There!” She pointed her finger in the distance. “Go over there, please.” 

Nicholi steered the sleigh in that direction, and Athelia squinted, trying to make out the scene ahead. When the image sharpened, recollection widened her eyes. “It can’t be…” she clutched her chest. “Is it?” 

“Who do you see, Miss Athelia?”

“Henry. He’s in the window. My first love… and the only man I seriously considered marrying.” Her heart fluttered in her chest. Looking back to Nicholi, she asked, “Is it truly him? Is he looking for me?”

“Why don’t you find out.” Nicholi climbed down from the sleigh and extended his hand, but she pushed it aside and hopped down by herself with a spring in her step.

Bubbling with excitement, she tore off her hat and fussed with her ebony curls. “How do I look, Nicholi?” 

“Untouched by time and lovely as ever.” 

Giddy from his compliment, she giggled and skated across the glistening snow-covered path leading to the porch. Once standing at the front door, she hesitated and turned back toward Nicholi. “Thank you for the sleigh ride!”

He shooed her with his hands, and she blew him a kiss before disappearing inside. Nicholi’s eyes misted, and he climbed back in the sleigh. 

Henry tossed another log on the fire as she walked through the door. 

“You’re finally here!” He opened his arms for her. “I’ve been waiting!” 

Athelia ran and jumped into his arms. He lifted her and swung her petite body around, nibbling on her neck.

“Jingle Bell Rock” played on the turntable, and Athelia pulled away from Henry and started dancing, twisting her hips and swishing her skirt with her hands; her clunky boots stomped on the hardwood floor. With a wink, she struck a playful pose. He gathered her back in his arms and kissed from her collarbone up to her ear before whispering, “You are on the naughty list for sure, Athelia.”

She laughed, “And so are you, bringing me to this secluded cabin in the woods. Your intentions are hardly respectable.”

He winked at her and reached for the angel on the table. “I saved this for you to hang atop the tree.” 

She beamed at his thoughtfulness. He moved behind her, lifted her into the air, and she situated the angel, smiling. “There. She’s beautiful. And I think she approves of our love.”

“In love? Are we in love?” He spun her around to face him. 

She didn’t answer, but her eyes sparkled, and he captured her plump lower lip in his, gently sucking until she pulled away to mash her mouth against his. They passionately kissed in front of the crackling fireplace, and their own fire started to burn. 

He pulled back and breathed in the sight of her, then cupped her sweet face and tasted her lips again. Henry was the first boy to kiss her and was quite skilled in the art. It didn't take long for her to lose herself in his kisses.

Sometime later, they lay with arms and legs entangled, their bodies forming an unbreakable seal. Peace, tranquility, and love filled the air around them. 

“I love you, Henry,” Athelia whispered, and then the memory started to fade with her closing eyes. Henry kissed her, sharing her last breath. 

Outside, Nicholi looked up through the falling snow to the North Star. It twinkled brighter than before. He swiped at the frozen tears on his face and whispered, “You’ve gone home for Christmas, Miss Athelia.”

Written by WriterGirl
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