Your eyes
Are like deep blue pools
Captivating and consuming
Drawing me in to you
Your smile
Glimmering with joy
Brillant as the sun.
Brightening my day
Your lips
So softly touch to mine
Stirring a fire from within
A kiss that is sealed in love
Your voice
Is like a concerto to my soul
A melody sung just for me
That streams into my heart
Your walk
Is gracefully swaying
And sensually alluring
Igniting my passion within
Your hair
Flowing like raven silk
Cascading your shoulders
Framing your supple breasts
Your hands
Are perfect in their form
Exquisitely elegant, caressing
And so sensual in their touch
Your arms
Pulling me tightly into you
Warmth of your embrace
Assures to me this is my place
Your soul
Tenderly reaches out to mine
Our story was written from above
And was consecrated in our love
I love you
Your eyes
Are like deep blue pools
Captivating and consuming
Drawing me in to you
Your smile
Glimmering with joy
Brillant as the sun.
Brightening my day
Your lips
So softly touch to mine
Stirring a fire from within
A kiss that is sealed in love
Your voice
Is like a concerto to my soul
A melody sung just for me
That streams into my heart
Your walk
Is gracefully swaying
And sensually alluring
Igniting my passion within
Your hair
Flowing like raven silk
Cascading your shoulders
Framing your supple breasts
Your hands
Are perfect in their form
Exquisitely elegant, caressing
And so sensual in their touch
Your arms
Pulling me tightly into you
Warmth of your embrace
Assures to me this is my place
Your soul
Tenderly reaches out to mine
Our story was written from above
And was consecrated in our love
I love you