You must believe me when I say I love you.
There has to be a way to make you see.
Whatever change I must make I will do it.
I pray that you will listen to my plea.
Do you want me to become much thinner?
To lose my flab and get a firm six-pack?
I will starve and run ten miles each morning.
Then do ten thousand crunches on my back!
Do you dislike my big round head’s baldness?
Rather I had thick or curly hair?
I shall start my Rogaine on the morrow.
Anything to show you that I care!
Are my many wrinkles unappealing?
Do you recoil from my warts or pocks?
I will have the growths all cut or frozen,
and get a thousand treatments with Botox!
Is it my big nose that’s bumped and pointy?
That ugly lump my countenance does bear?
Surgery will reshape and resize it.
And I will pluck out all excess nose-hair!
Perhaps the way I talk is too unpleasant.
My voice is just too high or a bit low?
It may take years but darling I can fix it.
Off to the speech therapist I go!
I must ask---is my manhood lacking?
Am I too inadequate or weak?
I will do the requisite enhancing.
I’ll give any body part a tweak!
Oh, my precious princess, I adore you.
I’ll be that which you want me to be.
I will alter everything I have to!
Then you can love the true authentic me.
There has to be a way to make you see.
Whatever change I must make I will do it.
I pray that you will listen to my plea.
Do you want me to become much thinner?
To lose my flab and get a firm six-pack?
I will starve and run ten miles each morning.
Then do ten thousand crunches on my back!
Do you dislike my big round head’s baldness?
Rather I had thick or curly hair?
I shall start my Rogaine on the morrow.
Anything to show you that I care!
Are my many wrinkles unappealing?
Do you recoil from my warts or pocks?
I will have the growths all cut or frozen,
and get a thousand treatments with Botox!
Is it my big nose that’s bumped and pointy?
That ugly lump my countenance does bear?
Surgery will reshape and resize it.
And I will pluck out all excess nose-hair!
Perhaps the way I talk is too unpleasant.
My voice is just too high or a bit low?
It may take years but darling I can fix it.
Off to the speech therapist I go!
I must ask---is my manhood lacking?
Am I too inadequate or weak?
I will do the requisite enhancing.
I’ll give any body part a tweak!
Oh, my precious princess, I adore you.
I’ll be that which you want me to be.
I will alter everything I have to!
Then you can love the true authentic me.