Tendering offerings of worthless lovelorn flora
simply to soothe your own heart
won't get you to the end of your journey
to forgiveness.
Trappings of sympathy without the tea
of human kindness
are like petals
of blossoms
wafting away in the wind.
Your loss my friend,
so decide that the character
of your personality
must change.
You must grow and perhaps become
the person worthy of
someone's love.
Someone to love
is always a noble search,
but you had already
found your love
and now it's gone
because of your selfish,
deliberately daft,
So bleed the dripping
of florid blooms,
drifting away
with your dreams,
and into
your nightmares
of regret.
Unworthy as you were,
someone may still accept
your testimony of transformation
toward another dimension of aspiration
and hope.
If passion prompts
your chosen one
to open the arms
of acceptance
it may still be your greatest achievement
and deepest debt
to forgiveness.
Hope that the bouquet
of beneficent blessings
will send out the fragrant
of renewed love.
simply to soothe your own heart
won't get you to the end of your journey
to forgiveness.
Trappings of sympathy without the tea
of human kindness
are like petals
of blossoms
wafting away in the wind.
Your loss my friend,
so decide that the character
of your personality
must change.
You must grow and perhaps become
the person worthy of
someone's love.
Someone to love
is always a noble search,
but you had already
found your love
and now it's gone
because of your selfish,
deliberately daft,
So bleed the dripping
of florid blooms,
drifting away
with your dreams,
and into
your nightmares
of regret.
Unworthy as you were,
someone may still accept
your testimony of transformation
toward another dimension of aspiration
and hope.
If passion prompts
your chosen one
to open the arms
of acceptance
it may still be your greatest achievement
and deepest debt
to forgiveness.
Hope that the bouquet
of beneficent blessings
will send out the fragrant
of renewed love.