To Submit or Not Submit?
That is today's Question
Leave yourself open
To ridicule and jest
Critics might hate you
Or like you the best
They could pick it apart
Or not at all
They could tell you in private
Or share on your wall
Just because you love it
And think that it’s great
Others might not
And maybe even hate
So make sure you're ready
To show what you've done
Because many may like it
But so could no one.
CM Turville
That is today's Question
Leave yourself open
To ridicule and jest
Critics might hate you
Or like you the best
They could pick it apart
Or not at all
They could tell you in private
Or share on your wall
Just because you love it
And think that it’s great
Others might not
And maybe even hate
So make sure you're ready
To show what you've done
Because many may like it
But so could no one.
CM Turville