Your voice is runnin' through my mind,
I can't stop seein' ya behind my eyelids,
You've been gone a while now,
but it's just sunk in...
I'm so goddamn tired of sayin' goodbye,
I'm sure you'd agree.
The sound of your voice has gone from my memories,
but the few times I saw you play through my mind,
You've been gone so long now,
and it sunk in a while ago,
I'm so gosh darn tired of sayin' goodbye,
I think you'd agree with me.
Your chuckle and your smile
and the mischievous twinkle in your eyes,
Your skin-and-bones appearance
even with all the layers
You're a part of the household now,
You're a part of my every day life.
I don't think I'll be able to say goodbye
without falling apart somewhere no one will see.