Some years ago where I lived a young man was charged with causing damage. The background is that everybody present at the time said that he was not the culprit. Because all the other youths left the scene, he was arrested. He was then told that if he didn't give up who did it he would be held responsible.
The young man stood his ground
He had no cause to turn and run
He’d simply been around
When things went bad, a right old mess
To stop them was in vein
The loss of sweat and money’s worth
All losses down the drain
For he was there when the window broke
He must have seen it all
He’ll tell the cops or cop the rap
But still, he seems to stall
His back was turned when the brick was thrown
Besides John, he was his friend
He thinks perhaps John did it all
And friends he must defend
But the copper knows he is no twit
He knows the young man’s form
He’s seen him 'round bad types you see
The type that cause a storm
On Friday nights and others too
The type that’s ‘no well do’
They get around these streets of ours
Causing havoc through and through
So now they go to court today
Three witness friends are here
These friends they saw his every move
One or all was always near
The magistrates a nice old bloke
Its justice he’ll prescribe
He knows the cut of these young blokes
He’s seen them all outside
The sergeant they had lunch today
As every day each week
When court meets here each day you see
It’s lunchtime when they meet
But never work they will discuss
To do so would be wrong
The good cop puts his case in court
He’d never ‘sing a song’
Its great respect these two they share
For one each and their lot
Where would we be without this pair?
Our justice would be shot
So on they go they know their cause
And soon the young man's fined
Not near enough
but he’ll be back - You’ll find.