Can't make up its mind
Which way to blow
Winds blow all around
Time to ride hard
Head winds, Cross winds, Tails winds
Which ones today, seems to be all
Three of them
Can't make up its mind
Makes me have to
Ride harder
Not knowing which way
it will blow
Keeps me on my toes
Cross winds and Headwinds
suck no matter what
The only good wind that blows my way
Is the tailwind
Time to ride hard
Fucking head wind straight on through
Not gonna stop me though
Just make me stronger
Time to tuck, grab the drops
Lower the gear
Hammer the crank
Time to ride hard
The wind she blows all around
She can't seem to make up her mind today
Time to ride hard
Which way to blow
Winds blow all around
Time to ride hard
Head winds, Cross winds, Tails winds
Which ones today, seems to be all
Three of them
Can't make up its mind
Makes me have to
Ride harder
Not knowing which way
it will blow
Keeps me on my toes
Cross winds and Headwinds
suck no matter what
The only good wind that blows my way
Is the tailwind
Time to ride hard
Fucking head wind straight on through
Not gonna stop me though
Just make me stronger
Time to tuck, grab the drops
Lower the gear
Hammer the crank
Time to ride hard
The wind she blows all around
She can't seem to make up her mind today
Time to ride hard