Behold! The truth revealed to him at last,
The weary samurai has found the way.
His fortune is fulfilled, the die is cast;
With honor he shall follow and obey.
His eyes can see the flowers now in bloom,
They bend before the breezes breathing by.
White petals drop and drift about his gloom;
Upon his fervent brow his doom draws nigh.
No matter if the shadow comes too soon
No worry does he feel, nor fear as yet;
The way before him shades a subtle boon,
He fills his role and acts without regret.
With fearless acts of faith he lives his fate,
Completing obligations dire and strait.
The weary samurai has found the way.
His fortune is fulfilled, the die is cast;
With honor he shall follow and obey.
His eyes can see the flowers now in bloom,
They bend before the breezes breathing by.
White petals drop and drift about his gloom;
Upon his fervent brow his doom draws nigh.
No matter if the shadow comes too soon
No worry does he feel, nor fear as yet;
The way before him shades a subtle boon,
He fills his role and acts without regret.
With fearless acts of faith he lives his fate,
Completing obligations dire and strait.