I listen to the rain
The tears start to fall
As I hear the loud thunder
My body begin to shake as I weep
The storm rages on and on
louder and louder
It is all consuming
The storm within me begins to take control
The storm and I become one
It is part of my very soul
Very quietly it begins to stop raining
The tears begin to cease
The thunder starts quieting
When I remember to breath
I am exhausted
My rain storm is over
I can face another hour
Another day
Another problem
Until the next storm comes my way
The tears start to fall
As I hear the loud thunder
My body begin to shake as I weep
The storm rages on and on
louder and louder
It is all consuming
The storm within me begins to take control
The storm and I become one
It is part of my very soul
Very quietly it begins to stop raining
The tears begin to cease
The thunder starts quieting
When I remember to breath
I am exhausted
My rain storm is over
I can face another hour
Another day
Another problem
Until the next storm comes my way