I gazed into the mirror
As a child
Pulling myself up to see
Blond hair and brown eyes
Mouth in a hesitant smile
The only one I could tell how I felt
Or remembered how life had been
And promised how life could be.
I looked into the mirror as a teenager
I saw a moon face
full of blemishes, discordant
and sought to use it as a canvas
To paint myself more
acceptable eyes and mouth.
No truth was available.
I imagined a fantasy of llight and laughter
Of dance and friends
Of knowledge and wisdom.
I glanced at myself in the mirror
As a mother
I saw tired eyes
The satisfaction of craivity
No time to see myself separate.
Two girls to hold in my arms.
One boy to treasure.
A home to make into a next
Tired nights, happy days
Wondering at life’s chances.
As a mature woman
I see a stranger
A face that is different
Same angles there
A whole life in my eyes
Of failures and triumphs, stress and peace
Weariness and euphoria
Sorrow and joy.
Confident to let the world see me as I am
Having found a life where I can feel real.
The dreary depths
Of depression and fear
Have become occasional shallow troughs
Until I can remember the life
The child has now inherited
A life less rushed
Then enjoyed richly.