Dripping from the eaves,
Snow melts slowly while it turns
The hard sod to mud.
The dog barks hoarsely,
He echoes in vibrations
As the moon shines down.
Up through the green turf,
Crocuses lift heads of pearl
Into buoyant air.
Sunshine comes with force,
As the days grow languorous
With burdensome heat.
Seeds become green plants,
The crops are bearing their fruits
As farmers tend them.
Sporadic rain flows,
The earth turns and grows cooler
With the passing days.
Happy the growers,
Watching as the earth becomes
The Mother of all.
Fecund and boundless,
Drunkards fall into deep sleep
Waiting for harvest.
Reapers bear armloads,
Grateful for abundant growth
From plentiful earth.
Dreadful the weather,
The drops of rain turn to ice
And soil freezes hard.
Warm within their homes,
The peasants dream of the spring
Flowered and fertile.
Harshly the wind blows,
Cold will seep into their bones
But soon life quickens.
Dripping from the eaves,
Snow melts slowly while it turns
The hard sod to mud.
The dog barks hoarsely,
He echoes in vibrations
As the moon shines down.
Up through the green turf,
Crocuses lift heads of pearl
Into buoyant air.
Sunshine comes with force,
As the days grow languorous
With burdensome heat.
Seeds become green plants,
The crops are bearing their fruits
As farmers tend them.
Sporadic rain flows,
The earth turns and grows cooler
With the passing days.
Happy the growers,
Watching as the earth becomes
The Mother of all.
Fecund and boundless,
Drunkards fall into deep sleep
Waiting for harvest.
Reapers bear armloads,
Grateful for abundant growth
From plentiful earth.
Dreadful the weather,
The drops of rain turn to ice
And soil freezes hard.
Warm within their homes,
The peasants dream of the spring
Flowered and fertile.
Harshly the wind blows,
Cold will seep into their bones
But soon life quickens.