What is a rainbow but a colored arch,
With dreams at each end to wish for.
Seven hues and shades from a color chart,
Just one of many beauties from nature’s store.
Each rainbow the same made from the grandest plan,
Arching high and far in colored rows.
Like a fireworks show or a peacock’s fan,
Our hearts are filled with the awe it bestows.
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain,
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.
It’s easy to remember, they are always the same,
And yet, you didn’t know the order I bet.
Each rainbow is made through mist and sun,
Except for the eighth color unknown.
It takes its place as the bottom rung,
Into an eight color rainbow it's grown.
No one can see the rainbow you’ve made,
It’s only there for your personal pleasure.
A jewel in the sky you would never trade,
For money, gold or buried treasure.
Each of our colors is different you see,
From life’s palette we blend our own hue.
Whether life is good or as bad as can be,
The color you choose will depend upon you.
So glancing up into rainbow skies,
What color do you want to add?
If someone you loved could see with their eyes,
Would your color make them glad or sad?
At the ends of a rainbow, dreams wait for you,
As part of your eight colored rainbow.
The color you add must be honest and true,
But in the end, only you will know.
With dreams at each end to wish for.
Seven hues and shades from a color chart,
Just one of many beauties from nature’s store.
Each rainbow the same made from the grandest plan,
Arching high and far in colored rows.
Like a fireworks show or a peacock’s fan,
Our hearts are filled with the awe it bestows.
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain,
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.
It’s easy to remember, they are always the same,
And yet, you didn’t know the order I bet.
Each rainbow is made through mist and sun,
Except for the eighth color unknown.
It takes its place as the bottom rung,
Into an eight color rainbow it's grown.
No one can see the rainbow you’ve made,
It’s only there for your personal pleasure.
A jewel in the sky you would never trade,
For money, gold or buried treasure.
Each of our colors is different you see,
From life’s palette we blend our own hue.
Whether life is good or as bad as can be,
The color you choose will depend upon you.
So glancing up into rainbow skies,
What color do you want to add?
If someone you loved could see with their eyes,
Would your color make them glad or sad?
At the ends of a rainbow, dreams wait for you,
As part of your eight colored rainbow.
The color you add must be honest and true,
But in the end, only you will know.