A human in a Christmas mood,
Was thinking what he should
For Christmas buy for family.
So to the shopping mall went he
With hopes quite high and expectations
To get some early buying inspirations.
For brother Jim he bought a book
About the voyages of Captain Cook.
For little sister Dorothy he bought a globe,
While Grandma got a bright red flannel robe.
A kitchen scale for his dear Mom,
A garish necktie for his roommate Tom.
For Dad as usual another tie;
And then just one more gift to buy.
For Annabelle, his pretty fiancée,
He thought, maybe a fancy negligée.
In it, he mused, she'd look so good,
As off he went to Frederick's of Hollywood .
Once there he looked around and saw
Some sexy panties and a lacy bra.
The young man bought them on the spot
Despite the fact they cost a lot -
On Christmas Eve, around the tree
The family was seated, waiting eagerly.
The gifts were lined up in a row,
Each with a ribbon and a bow
And also with a tag that bore the name
For whom it was, from whence it came.
And then with plenty Ah's and Oh's
Each got their gift, off came the bows,
The wrappings ripped, the ribbons flew.
There were surprises, - just a few:
The kitchen scale, the book, the globe.
But all knew Grandma's wish: a robe.
She closed her eyes and smiling said AHA!
Then lifted out some sexy panties and a bra.
Was thinking what he should
For Christmas buy for family.
So to the shopping mall went he
With hopes quite high and expectations
To get some early buying inspirations.
For brother Jim he bought a book
About the voyages of Captain Cook.
For little sister Dorothy he bought a globe,
While Grandma got a bright red flannel robe.
A kitchen scale for his dear Mom,
A garish necktie for his roommate Tom.
For Dad as usual another tie;
And then just one more gift to buy.
For Annabelle, his pretty fiancée,
He thought, maybe a fancy negligée.
In it, he mused, she'd look so good,
As off he went to Frederick's of Hollywood .
Once there he looked around and saw
Some sexy panties and a lacy bra.
The young man bought them on the spot
Despite the fact they cost a lot -
On Christmas Eve, around the tree
The family was seated, waiting eagerly.
The gifts were lined up in a row,
Each with a ribbon and a bow
And also with a tag that bore the name
For whom it was, from whence it came.
And then with plenty Ah's and Oh's
Each got their gift, off came the bows,
The wrappings ripped, the ribbons flew.
There were surprises, - just a few:
The kitchen scale, the book, the globe.
But all knew Grandma's wish: a robe.
She closed her eyes and smiling said AHA!
Then lifted out some sexy panties and a bra.