Trying to sleep in the field
The chill sinks in
Beneath the five ton truck
Out of the rain
But soaking up the cold
Inside the bag
With head out
Letting in the chill
Sinking in
While thoughts keep you awake
Long into the early hours of the night
What needs to be done
What must be accomplished
What your troops must
Stumbling to the water buffalo
Trying to clean your face and mouth
Groggy from lack of sleep
Barely awake
But rousing the troops for breaking
The fast
And starting the duty day once more
Once more
The work must get done
Someone has to do it
The troops do it
Training for the real thing
May not be
The real thing
But it is real none the less
Men and women
As one unit
One entity of union
To complete the task
The mission
The mission
Must be done
And it is
Over and over again
While the troops do their duty
Accepting the burden
Until the real thing
Comes along
And then
Whether in the freezing snow
Whether in the soaking rain
Whether in the searing heat of the sandbox
Or not
Comes the chill
The chill sinks in
Beneath the five ton truck
Out of the rain
But soaking up the cold
Inside the bag
With head out
Letting in the chill
Sinking in
While thoughts keep you awake
Long into the early hours of the night
What needs to be done
What must be accomplished
What your troops must
Stumbling to the water buffalo
Trying to clean your face and mouth
Groggy from lack of sleep
Barely awake
But rousing the troops for breaking
The fast
And starting the duty day once more
Once more
The work must get done
Someone has to do it
The troops do it
Training for the real thing
May not be
The real thing
But it is real none the less
Men and women
As one unit
One entity of union
To complete the task
The mission
The mission
Must be done
And it is
Over and over again
While the troops do their duty
Accepting the burden
Until the real thing
Comes along
And then
Whether in the freezing snow
Whether in the soaking rain
Whether in the searing heat of the sandbox
Or not
Comes the chill