Little candle burn so bright holding back the starry night
But if I were to blow you out
Would I have cause to scream and shout?
For the night is safe and withholds the light
Of painful memories and spite
But all too soon the night starts to fade
Caused by the coming of the new day
And all of my angers fears and despairs are exposed again by the sun's cruel rays
So little candle burning so bright
Should I destroy you? Would that be right?
With one little puff you would be away
My dark side hidden until the next day
But your light that flickers gives me solace tonight
Withholds all the pains that give me reason to fight
So while I battle against memories and fears I'll allow you to burn to dry up my tears
But if I were to blow you out
Would I have cause to scream and shout?
For the night is safe and withholds the light
Of painful memories and spite
But all too soon the night starts to fade
Caused by the coming of the new day
And all of my angers fears and despairs are exposed again by the sun's cruel rays
So little candle burning so bright
Should I destroy you? Would that be right?
With one little puff you would be away
My dark side hidden until the next day
But your light that flickers gives me solace tonight
Withholds all the pains that give me reason to fight
So while I battle against memories and fears I'll allow you to burn to dry up my tears