The fog rolls in, obscuring the horizon
The muted colors blend into one hue
Melancholy looms within my being
Is it the lack of sun? Or is it missing you?
The waves lap at my feet along the shoreline
I wish that you were here to hold my hand
My heart is heavy, denser than the air
As time moves like a million grains of sand
My thoughts, they flit like hummingbirds that hover
The distance in between and time apart
Have let the foolish qualms and the misgivings
Shoot tiny arrows deep into my heart
I pass the time searching for favored seashells
Some conchs and cowries and some small coquinas
And some that you can lift to hear the ocean
That just reminds me of the space between us
Alas, a silhouette comes into view now
I drop the shells collected, and I run
Do my eyes deceive me, or are you home early?
Suddenly, the fog gives way to sun
You move to me and lift me off the ground
My disappointed heart, no longer alone
Gleefully, you twirl me ‘round and kiss me
All thoughts of anger melting now to stone
I slip my hand in yours and walk beside you
My lack of faith feels somewhat like disgrace
How could I doubt the vows that we both promised?
A shameful hue blushes across my face
Your love completely washes over me
Your patience casts aside unwarranted fears
No scolding do you feel the need to give me
Such tender mercies dry up all my tears
And so, we walk toward home, your arm around me
Your faithfulness has put my mind at ease
You turn my face to yours and say, “Forever.”
I treasure our small moments such as these.